Burma's Finest Cricket 2005 Downloads

how do you get the camera anlgle so close to the back of the bat and you manage to fit all of it in without the batsmans forearm getting in the way.....like how i can never get that camera angle?
The good thing I like about your thread Burma is that nearly everytime I visit it there is a new bat to download. I whish I had Cricket 2005, so I could download the bats. Is there any chance of you doing bats for the next EA Cricket game?
And here's another for you. It's Nick Knight's Gray-Nicolls Monster. Yet another batsman who's keeping it old school. For any aspiring bat maker, no bat is easier to make from scratch than this one I promise you.

As for my future efforts, I think it depends on whether I have a proper job by the time the next game comes out. ;)


  • GN Monster.jpg
    GN Monster.jpg
    121.6 KB · Views: 123
As people have been asking about camera angles and screenshots I thought I'd go for something a little different - Stump Cam. :p

(New SG Sunny Tonny by the way ;))


  • Stump cam.jpg
    Stump cam.jpg
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Very nice bat. I think you should stick to the other angle. You get to see the front of the bat that way. Just my opnion. Nice Gray-Nicolls Bat. Just noticed it. Kinda looks like my bat, which is the Gray-Nicolls Warrior.

:happy 750TH POST :happy
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Thanks guys. I wasn't actually suggesting that I would use stump cam as my standard view, just something different.

Now, some of you may think this a waste of time as I should be working the bats that I haven't done yet but I wanted to re-do the Power Bow from scratch as my original effort from nearly a year ago was really well below the standard of my current efforts, so here it is. :D


  • New Power Bow.jpg
    New Power Bow.jpg
    125.8 KB · Views: 98
the PowerBow sign is a bit fuzzy but the resat is great.
well done again.
but 1 question how come the back of the bat goes jaged??

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