Burma's Finest Cricket 2005 Downloads

oh ok mate.
it's just a bit square on the back as it goes up and then straightens and then straightens up again :)
On to other matters. I've been watching the 20/20 today (Surrey v. Sussex) and spotted James Benning of Surrey using what looks like a Canterbury bat. Now, I don't know if Canterbury actually make bats or whether it's simply a sponsor thing but from what I saw I think it looks something like this but I really did only get a fleeting glance at it. :rolleyes:


  • Canterbury.jpg
    112.9 KB · Views: 160
the lines running down from the Nichols logo on the back of the bat look a bit fat then thin again they look different sized well the red part of it anyway
Good work with the Canterbury bat. Didn't think Canterbury made bats. Well, that's the new thing that I learnt today ;).
yo burma that bat looks awsome. what resolution is that?

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