Can you change the helmets?


Club Cricketer
Apr 14, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi guys, first post for a while from me, just getting back into the game, after a bit of a break.

Can you change it so players wear like broad-brimmed hats and caps when they are batting, instead of helmets?
It's controlled by the player code. Hence the guy with Don Bradman's code always wears a Baggy Green. Hopefully we can crack this once we get into the exe.
OK then Colin, what about the two different styles of helmet? I'm pretty sure I did a test with someone like Herschelle Gibbs and his helmet style - you know, the knew plastic c&D ones rather than cloth covered.

I may be wrong. It has happened in the past.
redlantern2051 said:
just getting back into the game, after a bit of a break.

Thats crazy how can you have a break at a time like this with, player editors, unique faces patches & 4/8GB bat packs being released.
Turbanation said:
Thats crazy how can you have a break at a time like this with, player editors, unique faces patches & 4/8GB bat packs being released.

Cos they were released for c2k5...
Basically each player has 3 model varients, a fielder, a bowler and bastman. If the fielder for that player is not wearing a sunhat there is no way it can be changed, as its the model itself that dictates the headgear and not a database entry. It may be possible to swap the heads around so, for eg, the batsman could be wearing the fielding head gear. Its possible that the "ringer" characters have different headgear but there again, they are a completely different set of models.

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