^ Thats disgusting, you think he would wear some proper athetlic gear like slider shorts (not sure what you guys call them). He looks like he is wearing granny panties.
i am not gona caption it, but the photographer is probably gay. why the eff would he take a picture of that??
Why would he be gay? If you go to the beach you see everyone in their trunks or at the swimming pool. And even if he is gay what has that got to do with the photo itself?
trunks = granny pannies? NO!. afridi is wearing granny panty. is that what you wear at the pool? =S
well in my pool, no 1 really wears what he is wearing ...
Projection I believe is the term.
The bigger question here is that so what if the photographer is gay? There is nothing wrong with being gay, and frankly its not anyone else's buisness either.