I thought this might be helpful, because firstly a lot of people aren't aware of the ability to change teams, and secondly there's plenty I'm not capable of and I would love to know how to take this further.
What will you need? A hex editor. Mine is
this one here (Hex Workshop). I have never tried another one to be honest.
The steps (do not follow these until you have read what is possible, you could be destroying a game. in fact, don't try this on a save file that you actually care about until you have practiced it on one or two dummy files):
1. Load the .cap file in the hex editor
2. Locate on the right hand side where it says the team that you are
3. On the right hand side, you should see your name, then a dot, then the team you are. Click so that you have clicked just before the dot. Then on the right (in the data inspector section) you should see uint8 and then a number to the right of it. That number is how many letters is in your current team. Click on that number and change that to the number of letters in your desired team (you will need to work this out clearly). Press enter when you have put in the new value
4. Type Ctrl+H. Put "Type" as Text String. Type your old team's name next to "Find". Type your new team's name next to "Replace". Click replace all.
5. Save and load your game. Should be done.
What is possible:
I really do recommend moving at the end of a season. This might take some planning, but the fixtures changing is definitely not an exact science, and games have also been corrupted from time to time. So yes, definitely recommend this.
It is possible to change from an english team to an english team. It is possible to change australian team to australian team but only after the contract stage of the season. It is possible to change the difficulty from easy to hard (this is done by changing a 02 that comes not long after the team name on the left hand side to a 03). It is possible to change nations, although I've not really looked into this. I tried changing from England to Ireland. it sort of worked, but at the same time things weren't quite right (never got to choose squads, couldn't change the teams for matches).
If people could try what I've said here, and maybe play around with things or try to understand things so that we can make this possible, I believe the game would be better for it. Quite often I've gotten into situations where a file has gotten stale, and I'd like to look for maybe a bit more of a challenge at a worse team. This would allow that if we could work on this a little. So hopefully everyone can understand everything above and we can work together a little like we did for the editor.