Cheaters In ICC 3 Online !

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I don't play this game but if you were to win all your games through cheating that would be far too obvious, so to the poster who said that he has lost 10 games or so, that does not mean he does not cheat. However. It is only a game, and at the end of the day it does not really matter. So let's all forget it. Gammy just don't play them.
In addition to that I doubt there is anything anyone could say in this thread that will make anyone else change the way they play the game, whether they are playing the way the games creators intended or not. Really there is no point to this thread. Nothing will be achieved from it, except more arguing and finger pointing.
Few more of his players................

Few More.............

I told I wont post in this thread but I had to since this gang of cheaters are harrasing me online.They are coming up with different names and trying to play with me with their edited team.

I played the same guy called COME$GONE but he was online with a different name.This time I purposely played him so that I can take screenshots of his players stats.After that i disconnected since I can lose points but cant give points to this cheaters.Here are the screen shots for those who believe editing players ability in ICC 3 is not possible till now...............

Another Few...............
Post them all in one! It looks so stupid when you have 4 posts in a row going
"Another few" "Another Few"
God no one even cares about them.
i caught one more fraud team just see their records they make me cry

You've got to be joking.
i know the guy

i know the guy who makes these fraud teams!!:happy
his name is removed ...this guy is from goa(india)
all his freinds have his if u see any lancs with 5 stars just dc!! coz there is no point playing those loosers
they hv got no shame left in their asses!!
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First off all they aint that special.
2ndly why didn't u just put them in one post. Are you trying to get your posts up or something? Its annoying, put them all in one post.

I dont want to post in this thread anymore but the replies are forcing me to do so.


When I clicked on manage attachment it was letting me to upload ONLY 3 PICTURES PER POST then it was saying you have reached the limit.So if I wanted to upload 11 players How should I have done it ?
Also I thought the post will automerge which is the case everytime you make two continious post in this forum but this time it didnt happen.

Last time I am telling the reason Why I started this thread........................
I always knew these people wont stop cheating but I just wanted to discuss a issue and let everybody know few regular offenders and if others have any name I thought they too will contribute.

If people will stop discussing issues in this place I bet this forum will be a very boring place.

One more thing everybody here make threads related to bugs in the game and the other things which can be implemented only by empire interactive and not us that too this is not the official ICC forum.Inspite of this I dont see any thing being implemented by the ICC guys.So please can anyone tell Why such thread is created ?
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I dont want to post in this thread anymore but the replies are forcing me to do so.


When I clicked on manage attachment it was letting me to upload ONLY 3 PICTURES PER POST then it was saying you have reached the limit.So if I wanted to upload 11 players How should I have done it ?
Also I thought the post will automerge which is the case everytime you make two continious post in this forum but this time it didnt happen.
Upload them on photobucket and put the link to it in your post.
I love this thread. I am gonna try to come up with more funny puns that show how dumb this thread is and how dumb most things said in here is.
I've been playing online for a number of years now, mostly FPSes and the like, and I thought I'd seen it all.... There are cheaters and smacktards in every walk of life, online gaming is no exception. If you feel good beating me with cheats, so be it. Buy some wood lads, build a bridge and get over it.
hey,i am pritesh from goa.I want my name removed from here as i don't know the destruction whose real name is Vishal Lad.He gave me scrap on orkut that he has written something about me on this forum.I didn't knew before existence of this forum and anybody around here.I have created my account on seeing written some nonsence about me.I have left playing any games year back.So i never played ICC 3 online.I am professional now working for govt enterprise and no time to play such silly games.I will have to take legal action on planet cricket for spoiling my name for no reason.
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