Checksum Changer for Game Profile


Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
Here, about 18 months too late, is the checksum changer for the BLIC game profile. It will allow you to edit the file without corrupting it. Simply make the changes you want and then run the editor.
I'm not going to bother making a full game profile editor at this point as hardly anyone is playing the game anymore but I'll post some of the more useful offsets.

***Save Game as well as Game Profile***

First thing to note is that the player profile is pretty much the same as the non career player ones so copy it into the teamandplayerdata.bag, edit it, paste it back.

Career players in the Game Profile are 348 bytes long. This includes a 30 byte header before the player name. Therefore these are relative offsets...

4-6: Nationality
7: Bat position
10-11: Bat type
17: Bowl hand
31: Player name unlicensed
62: Player name licensed
94: Player Type (00 - AR, 01 - Bat, 02 - Bowl, 03 - WK)
95: Bat hand (00 - LH, 01 - RH)
96: Bowl Style (09 - RF, work out the rest yourself)
97: Bowl Run-up (see Player Editor for options)
103-113: DOB
119-120: licensed face
121-122: unlicensed face
123: Overall bat test
124: Overall bat ODI
125: Overall bowl test
126: Overall bowl ODI
127: Overall field test
128: Overall field ODI
129: Bat type
130: WC shirt number
131: OD shirt number
132: Sunscreen amount
133: Bat offside test
134: Bat legside test
135: Bat offside ODI
136: Bat offside ODI
137: Loft test
138: Loft ODI
139: Batting aggression
140: Batting defence
142: unknown batting stat
143: Batting vs pace
144: Batting vs spin
145: Batting vs swing
146: Batting conc test
147: Batting conc ODI
148-9: ??
150-3: Bat/Bowl/SR average test
154-7: Bat/Bowl/SR average ODI
158: Field position 1
159: Field position 2
160: Catching
161: Throwing accuracy
162: Throwing strength
163-4: ??
181: Bowling speed
182: Bowling control
183-9: ??
190: Mystery value
191: Mystery value
192: Unknown bowling stat
193-7: Line and length consistency???
213-4: Batting offside (/300 for bowler, /400 for AR, /500 for batsman)
217-8: Batting legside
221-2: Batting defensive
225-6: Batting vs pace
229-30: Batting vs spin
233-4: Batting vs swing
245: Bowling accuracy (/50 for batsman, /80 for AR, /100 for bowler)
249: Bowling inswing/googly/offspin movement
253: Bowling outswing/legspin movement/Doosra movement
257: Bowling seam in/flipper speed/quicker ball speed
261: Bowling seam out/drift
273: Fielding catching
277: Fielding throwing ability
281: Fielding throwing speed
285-6: Batting bonus points to be added
289: Bowling bonus points to be added
293: Fielding bonus points to be added

I know there's other stuff but that covers quite a lot for now and people can crack more if they want.
Just as a wee bonus although they've already been done...

Absolute offset 329 - Cheat 1 - unlock classic matches (00: off, 01: on)
330 - Cheat 2 - unlock classic players
331 - Cheat 3 - unlock trophies
332 - Cheat 4 - unlock pic gallery
333 - Cheat 5 - unlock all teams
334 - Cheat 6 - unlock classic xi challenge

Enjoy :) (if anyone is still reading this forum...)


  • checksum
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Yes, people still read this forum. Of course some of us cant be bothered to figure out what you are babbling on about though :p
Kev said:
Yes, people still read this forum. Of course some of us cant be bothered to figure out what you are babbling on about though :p

Short version is I'm smart and there's hope yet for BLIC07 editing...
I might just have to blow the cobwebs off a hex editor, its been a while but hopefully BLIC07 will be a good enough game to get me interested again.
yep 18 months is really too late BLIC has been removed from my comp 6 months ago and even before that i didnt play it that much, but im not going to re-install it just 4 this but good anyways
Post #1 updated with a changer that will let people edit the save game files as well.
For interest, the save game checksum is a uInt32 compared to the Int24 for the Game Profile.
barmyarmy said:
Short version is I'm smart and there's hope yet for BLIC07 editing...

Why do they not show the batting vs pace, batting vs players of the game but leave it hidden in the code?
You can't edit it ingame anyway and games often do that. Anyhow all of them can be edited using Mentalist's Team Editor or Tom's Player Editor.
Just a wee off-topic post to say that when you can bowl at 120mph even the best teams can suffer catastrophic collapses...
Does Mentalists team editor allow you to change which player has which bat??? I downloaded it a while ago and noticed that there was a section to change it for tests but I didn't check if it worked before my PC crashed and I lost the editor file!!!
Saltires said:
Does Mentalists team editor allow you to change which player has which bat??? I downloaded it a while ago and noticed that there was a section to change it for tests but I didn't check if it worked before my PC crashed and I lost the editor file!!!

Only for licensed mode so not for tests. I've been working on making it work for unlicensed mode and have got it so I can make three players per side licensed but no more than that atm.
I'm not going to do anymore work on it but it's a good base for editing BLIC2007.
Just to show off here's the second innings which I finally got round to playing :p


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