ok,Im trying to crack all the stats values in the small amount of free time that I have atm.
The number of test inning's is controlled by byte number 22 and 23.
The relationship is pretty simple.Its just the hex conversion of the decimal value.
Eg: Ponting 148 Test Innings.
Thus the byte number is the hex value of 148 i.e 94.(in this case byte 23 is 00)
The two bytes 22 and 23 can be combined in the following way.
If 22 and 23 is 40 01,then the no of test innings is 0140=320
40 02=0240 i.e 576 etc.
So that means that the max no of test inns possible is FFFF=65535.
The next couple of bytes i.e 24 and 25 work in the same exact fashion but it contol's NO(Not out's) in tests.
I treid giving my player 288 not out's.
So I simply calculate the hex value of 288=120 i.e 0120
and I put these values for bytes 25 and 24 resp.
So bytes 24 and 25 look like 20 01.
So the limit in this case is FFFF as well i.e 65535
ok,so the next couple of bytes 26 and 27 work the same way :happy,this time controlling no. of over's bowled by a bowler in tests.
So I tried putting 12345 overs(lol),so simply the value is 3039.
Thus I put bytes 26 and 27 as 39 30.
Im pretty bored of explaining the same analogy again.So I wont
Thenext couple of bytes 28 and 29 stand for Test Wickets.
30 31 -No of runs conceded by bowler in tests (i.e the R attribute for Bowler's)
Btw the average,stike rate etc seem to take care of itself.
I tried having my player with 12345 overs,23456 wickets and 34567 runs conceded(I know that's a lot
),and the avg,stk rate etc were all in place.
32 33-No of runs scored in tests(batting).
Byte 34 control's the number of 50's scored by a batsman in tests.
So the limit for this byte is FF=255.
Similarly byte 35 contol's the number of 100's in tests.(this is quite obviously is also limited to 255).
Bytes 36 and 37 once again work with the initial analogy,controlling the no. Of catches(Ct) in tests.