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barmyarmy said:
Hey, you wanna argue? I've already banned one person in this thread! :p
I've changed it for you.
I don't want any trouble mister*quakes in boots*

Thanks by the way :)
Ever read this ??

Well this is you!

Even I did some really important stuff in my life which wasn't even considered worth looking at... But I didn't give a horses sh!t about that... And you come here crying and shouting just because you thought you weren't given enough attention??!!

Are U a man? Coz I doubt it...
My words may be harsh but they are true.... This is just a forum... Not some Oscars... Remember it....
ajit i love your work just because you didn't get nominated for many things it doesn't matter i m nominated for 4 things but its not increasing any chance of me winning everyone has a good chance to win even i might not win an award that just tells me i have to WORK harder and not cry theres no point just do better next time and plus this isn't real lol
well this isnt real ,but ajit did deserve an award.
maybe we can give him one"outstanding additions to the game" like a lifetime award.
no nominees there then.
Okay Ajit consider this. [ i know it is useless as you might habe understood it by now]

I was nominated for 5 categories. Yes 5 They were:

Best Young Member
Best Story [ you can ignore this though]
Best new graphics maker (since last PC awards)
Best new member
Best download thread

And did i win any? No. i had three 2nd places. Have i started tantrums like you have? No because it is useless. Who cares? I repeat who cares?

Whether you are big or small. Whether you are a mountain or Squirrell you are important in this world.

"A squirrel might not be able to carry trees on it's back
But can a Mountain crack a nut?
All is well and wisely put
All are equal in front of god."

All have their capabilities and you are to be proud that you have yours as well. Everything is important. and here you are throwing a tantrum on not being nominated. Quite a shame. I repeat quite a shame.
fardin won because he has posted more- if you don't play cric 04 anymore like me, i guess you'd hardly notice somebody like ajit who is seeing less of the main forum and more of the download forum.

its going to be the people with 1000+ posts who win awards like that, because they get noticed by more voters- i don't like fardin much but i voted for him because he has improved, whereas i would hardly have noticed if you had improved, there are so many people similar to you.

awards don't mean much, don't get too wound up about them.
this is 3 months old - no need to re open really
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