Cricket 2005 Demo Released - Views, Opinions and Reviews

dazza1974 said:
i would but you are not allowed to swear on this site!

hmmmmm......let me loved the demo and want to have EA's babies if its possible or give your left testicle for a copy of the game? :eek:
Nav-D said:
My Review:

Its an EA game.

End of review.
Can't get more accurate than that...

Anyways, can't be all bad. Its a free game:p When we pay for it, then its worse...
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you play as england who are on 229/7 and have 3 overs to get 24 runs against australia. all 3 overs are bowled by spinners. same old bugs. i swung and missed, the keeper missed it and it went for 4 byes. very disappointed by the demo!

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