Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

Do you suggest to put all the AI sliders (WC, ST, BQ) back to default or just the run rate.
Honestly not tested it, but I'd say just RR for now. See how you get on.
Ha ha one of my heroes GB. Will there be adjustments to the diff pitches around the globe now ?
Not sure, but probably as they didn't have a universal run rate across all pitches before.

Guess that's tomorrow sorted then!

Standing Behind Smiling Guy 23022022230430.jpg
Agree with the general sentiment that this patch has helped a lot. Had one game in Career mode (legspin allrounder) and the bowling experience was so much better. Big Ant have fixed the Pro Cam jerkiness when bowling for which I am truly grateful and it is now back to its excellent smoothness. The batters seemed to play appropriately for a first class match. No longer were they arriving at the crease and cutting the first ball down to fine third past slip and keeper. Lots more defensive strokes and leaves. I managed to bowl 5 maidens in the match which is unheard of for me in previous builds. I would still like to see the batters occasionally come down the pitch...maybe they do now but I haven't seen it yet. Also fielding seems much happy with that.
I need to play this some more but really pleased with the experience after the latest patch...thanks Big Ant!
View attachment InShot_20220224_064400235.mp4Hello @MattW
This time update is just great for fielding alot of runs safe but there is some issue
Whenever it's overthrow the backup fielder even not try to save runs resulting in four everytime almost 9 times that happens out of 10.
There are great Fielding but sometime fielder dives opposite direction of the ball . Please resolve that .
Hoping the NZ playfaces are sorted sooner rather than later. Each patch I go in to check if they have, only to be slightly disappointed (over the last few weeks, seen Ish Sodhi and Blundell get revamped). On the contrary, Ive seen West Indian players improve patch by patch and they are looking sublime now... hope NZ gets the same treatment!
On this update and the previous one too. I'll try 'verify the integrity....' option and update on the same.
Hi, @MattW I tried the above and still no improvement in FPS hovering around 50-55 fps, a huge drop from 90-95 fps. It was fine before steam 1968 ver (Feb 16 update).
Hi, @MattW I tried the above and still no improvement in FPS hovering around 50-55 fps, a huge drop from 90-95 fps. It was fine before steam 1968 ver (Feb 16 update).
As I said earlier - we are looking into framerate on PC - my previous post was mainly trying to confirm that someone was comparing with the exact previous patch to now, as most reports I'd seen were as per yours, that this had been a problem for a week or so, not that it worked up until yesterday's update.
What I like the most in latest patch is, the fielder diving timing... Even if they miss the ball, it looks legit...
I was about to comment on this and it looks so very odd the dive is theatrical but the misses are a good add in as it makes it more realistic even if they're miss timed?
I have seen different sliders for AI and people are finding good results with that but any suggestions on sliders for human batting ?

In Cricket 19 Hard was perfect for my liking but in Cricket 22 Hard is still easy even after some improvements in recent patches. Hardest is too difficult for me.

I felt Hitting sixes is now balanced and I am fine with that but grounded shots its almost ideal for any shots I play.

Last 2 weeks I only use Play Now mode to try different combination of the sliders but can't find the right one yet.

I like every aspect of Cricket 22 with some big improvements in fielding and AI in the recent patches except I can't find the right balance on human batting.

If anybody use any sliders that is close to cricket 19 or even better please share.

Also would like to know if its in the BA priority list and how others think about the human batting difficulty
I have seen different sliders for AI and people are finding good results with that but any suggestions on sliders for human batting ?

In Cricket 19 Hard was perfect for my liking but in Cricket 22 Hard is still easy even after some improvements in recent patches. Hardest is too difficult for me.

I felt Hitting sixes is now balanced and I am fine with that but grounded shots its almost ideal for any shots I play.

Last 2 weeks I only use Play Now mode to try different combination of the sliders but can't find the right one yet.

I like every aspect of Cricket 22 with some big improvements in fielding and AI in the recent patches except I can't find the right balance on human batting.

If anybody use any sliders that is close to cricket 19 or even better please share.

Also would like to know if its in the BA priority list and how others think about the human batting difficulty
do you use ball or pitch markers?
Is there any plans to enable BIG XI for offline play vs AI or couch multiplayer? It's hard to find someone online and i don't have any cricket 22 friend to play with and I am sure 80% of the base users play the game offline so it will be nice to have this mode offline as well specially when there is so much effort have put it in it so it doesn't make sense to deprive 80% of the user base who solely plays offline.

Now that the gameplay is almost fixed (apart from AI field settings and some over throw issues like in the videos) isn't the time has come to focus next two patches on career mode?
1)World View tab which allow to see every tournament going on in the world and with players and team rankings along with the ability to view statistics of each and every player in the game at demand.
2)AI players progression revamp with realistic growth and regression ideally the bowlers should have one or two dominant ball moving skills like outswinger and off cutter while all other moving deliveries skill should be at zero or bare minimum
3)Slow pace bowling in club cricket (80% bowlers should bowl between 110-130k) with very few managing 135k+ as top speed but once they develop good and become more pacier they should be graduated in to FC cricket
4)Dynamic lineup selections for AI teams should be more logical and no star players should be given preference even when there are better players to choose from.
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I have seen different sliders for AI and people are finding good results with that but any suggestions on sliders for human batting ?

In Cricket 19 Hard was perfect for my liking but in Cricket 22 Hard is still easy even after some improvements in recent patches. Hardest is too difficult for me.

I felt Hitting sixes is now balanced and I am fine with that but grounded shots its almost ideal for any shots I play.

Last 2 weeks I only use Play Now mode to try different combination of the sliders but can't find the right one yet.

I like every aspect of Cricket 22 with some big improvements in fielding and AI in the recent patches except I can't find the right balance on human batting.

If anybody use any sliders that is close to cricket 19 or even better please share.

Also would like to know if its in the BA priority list and how others think about the human batting difficulty
I'd say set up a custom hardest for yourself, basically set 'base difficulty' to hardest and work your way down until you find that golden middle where its challenging but also achievable..

Some key things are shot timing, foot placement (if you're on pro controls) and the input influences (edges & miss)

Hope you find what you're looking for.. :)
This is a video of the diving fielding from last night. Point got a hand to the ball and prevented the boundary, batsmen only got a single. Next ball got the new batsman at the crease out. Probably some of the most satisfying cricket I've played in Big Ant's series last night. Just adds a touch of randomness amongst the scripted stuff which is nice.


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