Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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New patch:

- fixes loading career game in 2nd season

@Allrounder18: That's weird - can you send me a save from the 1st season? There's nothing in the code that decreases skills when the next season starts.
Actually I don't remember setting the training regime for my player , I play the game from a manager point of view instead nurturing my career player but yeah do Check the possibility of it happening to career/other players
New patch:

- mouse support in net practice
- adjustable loft aggression in special.cfg
Thanks , can you implement Option to practice against medium , fast medium and medium fast bowlers too.

It works great though i noticed 2 bugs lately. Though they happened only once till now.
1. Player got into non striker end. restarting practiced fixed it.
2. Game crashed with this message
MESSAGE: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Cricket.Main.GameStateDeliver.ProcessInput(Single ms) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateDeliver.cs:line 24114
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 25548
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 5956
Very good patch , aggression tweak is a welcome edition , it would be great if we can edit the aggression in slabs , like agg for 1st slab of 6 overs , 2nd slab of 5 overs ,3rd slab of 5 overs 4th slab of 4 overs , for t20
for ODis , it could be first 15 , then 2nd 10 , 3rd 15 and 4th 10
game crashed when I tried to view a score card of my former team

RUN @ 25/09/2015 22:09:52

MAC: False
DEMO: False
VERSION: 2.905
PROFILE: saadx

MESSAGE: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Cricket.Main.GameStateBatsmanScorecard.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateBatsmanScorecard.cs:line 303
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 25556
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 5956
Can you make the ball reverse in both direction depending upon shine as it happens in real life , Take tape ball for eg , if you make it rough one side (by removing the tape from that side) then the ball will reverse in both direction depending upon the shine.
My career player still batted and bowled for my former team when there was a match b/w my new team and former team. (Even though his name was different but I got control 2 player in that game)
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