After some deliberation, I've decided not to continue with this.
Firstly I'd like to apologize, as I know I'm not setting a great example at all being a staff member.
The two main reasons are really to do with my time, and my enjoyment. Firstly I don't think I'll have enough time to continue this ontop of NZPL, I probably would have just enough time, but I think the time that I was spending doing this can be better spent. That leads onto my second point which is I didn't really get any enjoyment out of day one, like with NZPL I enjoy simming the matches and seeing how the pan out, but that just didn't happen with this.
Again I'm really sorry for this decision, when I started this a month ago I probably wasn't really thinking ahead at all. It was definitely not an easy decision, as on one hand I want to continue this and see how it pans out, but on the other hand it's just going to be an uphill battle for me.
I'm going to close the thread now, so if you want to say something to me regarding this feel free to PM/VM me.
If you see where I'm coming from thanks for understanding, otherwise if you don't, feel free to drop a few F bombs via PM/VM as I kind of F'ed up.