Cricksim Gossip's and Rumours


International Coach
Jun 28, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned

Today Cricksim Media reporter's managed to interview Pakistani Legend's star player hasun(hasun300) ahead of the upcoming season.Hasun looked postive and was looking forward to practising in the nets,so he gave a short interview on his hopes on the upcoming season.

Q>1)What do you think about your current manager?

Hasun-he is a Excellent Manager.

Q>How do you look forward to the upcoming cricksim season?

Hasun-we will be champions

Q>How do you and your-team mates go along in the dressing room and on the field?

Hasun-all team mates i go along well

And before he could be smothered with more questions,he raced away towards the field keen on practising with his bat rather than his mouth.Other teams should watch out for this hard and sincere player.



Today Cricksim Media caught up with Star-studded PC Rocker's player Brett_Lee who has dazzled with his pre-season performance.He looked confident ahead of the season.

He initially praised his manager and asst.manager of showing good encouragement and support towards him,and said that he and his-team mates were confident of doing well in all forms of the game in the season and was looking for cup glory this season.

However although he was happy staying at his club at the present,he did say that he didnt get enough recognition from his staff members and senior player's when he did well for his team.

{EDIT-The media misinterpreted his codes,he actually had said:

"I reckon that i do get alot of good recognition from duded64 and others in the team when big things like 3 wickets or more in the game popup"

CrickSim media reporter feels that this young-talent might well be up for grasps in the mid-season transfer period,if he was offered a good deal.Rival manager's-Take note.


On hearing recent comments from player Brett_Lee,PC Rocker's manager Karachi Express Slamed back in an interview.

Reporter:---Q>Your player Brett_Lee feels that he doesnt get enough recogintion?What do you have to say about that?

Karachi Express:----Hi...he does get enough recognition...If he does not get reacognition as much as he wants,it iz because he doesn't bowl very well like Freddie Fan...If he bowlz good...Then he sure will get more recognition more then the Captain...If he wishes to leave the team in the transfer period he can leave happily...He won't be stoped by me...

Reporter:---Q>What roles do you perform as manager of PC Rockers?

Karachi Express:----My main rolez as manager iz that i select the team,manage the team,encourage the playerz who play WELL...

Reporter:---Q>Are you looking to strengthen your squad in the mid-season transfer period?

Karachi Express:----I think that i don't need anymore playerz to strengthen my squad but 1 player whom v need iz Lonie from 50 of i think the melbourne bitters...Thats it...

Reporter:---Q>Which player's are most likely to leave your team?

Karachi Express:----I think Brett lee will leave my team because he does not get enough recognition in the team....

Reporter:---Q>What would be your strategy in the season matches against your rival teams?

Karachi Express:----We will look forward to perform very well and win 100% of the matches...My perfomance hasn't been too good in the pre-season but in the practice games i played very well....Thats it and now i wud like to continue my practice session with the team and the coach!!!!Thank u very much...
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I said this to sid

I reckon that i do get alot of good recognition from duded64 and others in the team when big things like 3 wickets or more in the game popup
thats ok but sid wrote the wrong thing. it makes me look bad over the forums
Just trying to pep things up,the real media always mis-quotes player's and causes commotion,we are just doing it for fun here ;) .Nothing personal.
Yeah can you please put wat i really said though


After media-maniacs of mis-quoting an interview which caused serious commotion,Brett Lee refused to reserve any comments and though better to prove himself on the field in the up-coming season.

The media however was sorry as they mis-understood what Lee actually meant and was hoping that he would interact with the media again in the future :p

Yeh well i will talk to the media if you guys post up what i truly say


Cricksim Media got really busy and tracked up with star allrounder of the Indian Warriors,vice captain-Langerrox.

1)What do you think about your current manager?

Lang-the manager is very consistent and reliable with his choosings

2)How do you look forward towards the season?

Lang- i dont know what you mean by that but yeh im looking forward to becoming a pure bowler

3)Which team-mates do you go along well,and with whom do you have a grudge?

Lang- i have a grudge agaisnt stevie and i love mvaughan lol


Today the Criksim governing body fined the media of $100,000 for mis-quoting an interview with Brett_Lee.The media further was told to make rumour's and stories from real quotes rather than misinterpreting them.
btw what sid rote about me moving isnt true im gonna try stay with the PC Rockers for aslong as i can
Wow. this is cool. (lets hope I don't have to do a interview)


Today Cricksim media caught up with PC Rocker's Wildwil.

Q.How would you rate your performance so far in the preseason games?

A.I think I did pretty well scoring a couple of hundreds and helping the team win.

Q.What is your role in the team,and how do you intend to fit in that role?
Wildwil says:

A.I am a Opening Wicket Keeper Batsman and I intend to secure my place in both the ODI squad and Test.

Q.Your manager intends to buy lonie from 50 in the mid-season transfer period.What do you have to say on this?

A.Well I think he would be a good addition to the squad to boost our team.But I don't think he should come in here and expect to get 1st team place.

Q.Last question,How is your relationship with the manager and senior members?

A.Well my relationship with the manager is pretty good. I talk to him alot.I also have a good relationship with a couple of members.


Q>How do you see your team as a manager,and what are your expectation's for the upcoming season?

A. I see our team as pretty balanced and one that can definitely challenge others in the ODI competition. We haven't really gotten much first-class practice in, but we've got the talent and skill. This was evident in the Planetcricket Cup, where we faltered at the final hurdle. I believe we have the guts to win the tournament.

Q>Are you thinking about using the Mid-season transfer market? If yes what player's are you thinking of buying and selling?

A. The time is quite incorrect for this question as the season has yet to start. As of now, I will be honest. We have not really put a radar out on players from other teams. The simple reason is that we are busy preparing our own team. As the season progresses, trades will become more viable and that is the only time I can begin to comment about this question.

Q>Are you satisfied with the team currently? Who are the star players in your team?

A. I am more than satisfied with the team as it stands. We have a strong batting line-up. Sam Halls and no_remorse28 (wicket keeper) are our star opening batsmen. We also have a bunch of middle-order players who've been in good nick. With the ball, Kamran Khan dominated in the preseason, while w3lshrugby, our captain, did well with the turning ball. I believe we have a very strong unit and soon enough, players will be competing with each other to get into the final XI.


duded64,pc rockers asst manager spoke today to the cricksim media.

Q.Manager Karachi wants to buy lonie from 50 in the midseason transfer period.What do you have to say on this?

welll iahvent been watching the other teams much but he sounds good. on the other hand that means someones going to miss out of our team

Q.Yes,so if that does happen,then whom do you think will miss out?

oooh thats a tough question there but i dont think pdathert has shown that he is a player that to club would miss sourly.

Q.What are your plans for the upcoming season?

Well dig in deep and try to help the team get a respectable place in the league. I also hope to see pdathert prove me wrong.

Q.Final Question:What are your tactics going to be in the games?

Get good bowling perfomances in the odi so we can just chase down the runs. and in the tests let the batters do the work. with some good, quick wickets and for are allrounders to take their part in the bowling.


Q.How do you rate your pre-season performance?

A. I think we performed superbly in the tournament. We had the character to come back from two early defeats to get all the way to the final. Everyone in the management was delighted

Q.As captain,which player's according to you performed well so far and who have to lift their game up?

Well, in the batting department, we have some strong players in the likes of Sam Halls, Turbanation, Nik and no_remorse28. However, I feel that to really get a good team going, the batting as a whole needs to succeed on big occasions. This is what let us down in the final.
Stephen Cooper needs to improve - his average is a somber 18.In the bowling department, the full time bowlers have gone well,including Propmanoz, Kamran Khan and myself.Unfortunately, Sami007 only played in the first two matches. This hampered him somewhat.

Q.Your manager feels that its too early to think about transfers in the team.What do you have to say on this?

I fully agree with Sohum on that subject. Personally, as I have nothing to do with the transfers then I don't tend to think about that side of management. Many of our players have already shown long term commitment to our team, which is good.

Q.Final Question:What are your expectations for the season?

Well, I would be ecstatic if we managed to actually win the thing. I think we have a chance of winning it, as does every other team. I am quietly confident of reaching the final in both of the cups. But as long as we perform well I shall be happy.


Q>PC Rocker's manager Karachi Express says that he is interested in buying lonie from 50 in the mid season transfer period.What do you have to say on this?

Us at Melbourne have been extremely satisfied with Lonie's performance in the recent pre season. He is a major performer in our team and we would be lost for runs without him. Being an Australian, we hope that Lonie's patriotism will keep him at the G for many seasons to come with great success

Q>Are you satisfied with the teams performance so far.Which player's need to lift their game?

Many questions were asked of some players during the pre season, i dont want to name names as they know who they are. The recent team adjustments should prove to be a safe move and will definently lift team performance and spirit. I was extremely dissapointed to be knocked out in the Semi Finals of the pre season and i feel that the team feels the same way. This dissapointment is what i think will lift our team in times of need.

Q>Finally,what are your expectations as manager from the season,any mid-season transfers in mind?

i think that from a group and a manager perspective, all that we can do is take the season one step at a time. I like the team we have at the moment and it would be dissapointing to change it so it would be good to see everyone perform well this season


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