Cricksim Gossip's and Rumours

great interviews there sid keep it up


Cricksim Media today caught up with Warrior's duo Viral and ashu.

1)What do you think about your current manager?

Viral- He is a very good one.

Ashu- good

2)How do you look forward towards the season?

Viral-For the team to improve to become the best one!

Ashu-continue my form

3)Which team-mates do you go along well,and with whom do you have a grudge?

Viral-I am going well right now with everyone right now, without any grudge!

Ashu-i go along with Bala and sachinisgod2

4>Would you look to move in the mid-season period or at the end of season? Which team would you like to join ?

Viral- No, I am a part of a great team.

Ashu- I dont have any plans to move to any other team. I am more then happy and satisfied with my team warriors.

5>Dont you feel that despite your performances in the team and your general effort,that you do not get enough recognition?

Viral-No, not at all.

Ashu-I believe I got enough respect and recognition in the team and I strongly believe that to get recognition among others, you have to work hard for it.



Melbourne Bitter's Player aus5892 speaks in this interview.

1)What do you think about your current manager?

rickyp is great, he listens to our suggestions and always makes calculated decisions.

2)How do you look forward towards the season?

I'm really looking forward to taking some wickets and maybe even winning an award, I was probably one of our best bowlers in the preseason so looking forward to season proper to cement my spot as a great player in both forms of the game.

3)Which team-mates do you go along well,and with whom do you have a grudge?

I think I get along fine with most of my teammates, rickyp and aussie1st especially (though he and I had a disagreement over the victorian flag but that's another story), but I guess that's because we're bowlers, and some of us are just close because we know what it's like to have bowl AND bloody bat while the batsmen only have to bat then just relax and only worry about fielding while we're working our asses off.

4>Would you look to move in the mid-season period or at the end of season? Which team would you like to join?

Not at the moment, I am very happy at Melbourne Bitters, plus I already hate all the other teams so it would make it hard.

5>Dont you feel that despite your performances in the team and your general effort,that you do not get enough recognition?

Well, I do believe that my batting is underrated, I am a quite good batsmen, not quite an all-rounder but nearly there, as good as aussies Shane Warne and Brett Lee, and batting at no. 10 means i have no chance to showcase this talent. I would also like to be praised for my bowling efforts a bit.



Q>How do you feel playing as a foreign player in your team?

A. I feel happy, obviously I had no doubts what so ever about coming to this team and all of the lads have made me feel very welcome and I get on very well with all of them

Q>Do you feel a need for a move in the mid-season period if you were offered a good deal in a better team?

A. Who's to say that we wont be the best team in the league? At the moment I am very happy here and not even thinking about leaving

Q>What are your expectation's from a personal as well as a team point of view?

A. From my own personal view id like to contribute both with bat and ball, obviously coming in down the innings doesnt help my cause much with the bat but hopefully my bowling can come along as the season progresses. From a team view, we are looking to win the league, we know it wont be easy but we definately have the players to do it and will push all the way until the end.

Q>Finally,which players are you comfortable with in the dressing room and which player's are you not comfortable with?

A. As I said earlier, I get along with everyone, they have all made me very welcome and I would like to think they get along with me well too!

And, I think I might stay at the Donkey's now, they won me back.

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