currently updating roster


School Cricketer
Aug 27, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
i am currently updating player list of each country, stats and bats how do i make the patch so everyone could use it. it will be done by the 24th November alot of work.
the bats will be a correct as possible like there only be one puma bat because all up u can only have 34 bats ok. If some one would like to help they could tell me who uses which bat that will save me time, eventually i will do the rest of the teams in the game. ok
leave the bat i think will work best as most people have bats to their liking by now, so i would jjust do roster and stats, which would be great BTW!!!!good luck with making it
My updated roster.pak (which you are welcome to use as a base) has the correct bats for most the major players (when used with 2GB bat pack) and also new players, updated stats and county transfers. Feel free to add to that anything I haven't done as then most your work will have been done and you won't have to worry about the bats.
Is that u use a lineup editor and change watever u want stas or watver and then export them and save it wherver u want and upload them in the websites u cange the tas by Player editor
If you're making wholesale changes it's easier just to upload the entire roster.pak
It's only 110kb zipped.
I've been messing with the Aussie state lineups for a while now... anyone else surprised by how many unlisted players are lurking in the roster?
unlisted??? means???

and would it be possible to release ur new roster within a fortnight? i am preparing to introduce a nice tour after 21st and a Season sav would love to do it with the best possible roster...
i am having alot of problems with the player editor that a error comes up say r.ponting then the player editor closes down and when u go back to that player the program closes again why is that
this is the message i get
The instruction at ox77f51ed3 reference memory at oxe7e9f1db. the memory could not be read

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