Darrel Hair Suing PCB/ICC For Racial Discrimination?

ZoraxDoom said:
He was kicked out cause the Pakistanis are whingers. He made a decision fully in the rules...racism had nothing to do with it. Idiocity and cowardice from the ICC and some cry-baby antics from the PCB yes, but no racism...
He falsely accused Inzamam and his team of ball tampering. That is a serious allegation, which he couldn't back up successfully.
anandbatra said:
General skin colours would be White, Black, Yellow(East Asians) and Brown(South Asians).

Just to say that is actually not true :rolleyes: Referring to Asians as yellow is considered racist.
Adarsh said:
He falsely accused Inzamam and his team of ball tampering. That is a serious allegation, which he couldn't back up successfully.
In the rules, it states if the umpire feels that the ball has been tampered with, he has all right to dock 5 runs.
And what about the other umpire there? Billy Doctrove. He was involved too. Infact, Hair consulted with him before going over to Inzy. And Doctrove should know, he has been involved in ball tampering before, once in a domestic game in the Windies and once I think in New Zealand. Why blame only Hair? And besides, it was in the rules. Just as the LBW rule is. If the umpire believes that you are out, you are out.
And the only yellows I know are the Simpsons. Asians are brown...
puddleduck said:
Just to say that is actually not true :rolleyes: Referring to Asians as yellow is considered racist.

Some one referred to the Pakistani team as 'blacks'. The guy said he referred to them based on skin colour i.e. white/black and not race. I was merely mentioning that there are people of different colours, and not just white and black.

I'd like to know under which category do East Asians fall then?
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anandbatra said:
I'd like to know under which category do East Asians fall then?
How about East Asians? I'm really not comfortable with people talking about skin colors and what races they relate to. Lets get back on topic.
I thought the ball tampering fiasco was done, dusted and cleared. But Hair now wants to sue the Pakistan Cricket Board. It's stupid. The ICC should be concentrating on the upcoming World Cup, NOT a publicity seeking has-been umpire.

Wow, that was harsh.
Adarsh said:
He falsely accused Inzamam and his team of ball tampering. That is a serious allegation, which he couldn't back up successfully.
That has nothing to do with it, he was sacked because he called off the game when Pakistan refused to return to the field, also in the rules. And as for PCB saying 'he took charge of the match, overruling doctrove' they may have been at the ground but as far as I know Hair and Doctrove didn't tell everyone what they said. They made a collective decision in two cases, and only Hair was fired, and why? Bad rep me all you want for this, but it is because he is a white man taking actions against asian countries (Murali incident has to do with it). He simply changed the ball and gave England FIVE RUNS! Pakistan was in complete control, and he gave England FIVE RUNS! I know they say that he insulted their whole country, but give me a break. Darrell Hair AND BILLY DOCTROVE have their respect too, and the Pakistani team undermined the umpires, and you can't do that, no matter what happens. If you want to make a complaint, your board lodges it against the umpires driectly to the ICC, you don't be selfish and hold up an entire game, to have a whinge. Darrell Hair did what it says in the rules. He got sacked because he was a 'racist' according to the PCB, and like it or not, politics from Asia won this round.

Dean, you don't get it do you?
How about you just come out and say this, I doubt you even have an argument other than it's racist. He called them monkeys, he said these fans belong in a zoo, because they were being rowdy, which is fair enough. Where is the racism?
aus5892 said:
That has nothing to do with it, he was sacked because he called off the game when Pakistan refused to return to the field, also in the rules. And as for PCB saying 'he took charge of the match, overruling doctrove' they may have been at the ground but as far as I know Hair and Doctrove didn't tell everyone what they said. They made a collective decision in two cases, and only Hair was fired, and why? Bad rep me all you want for this, but it is because he is a white man taking actions against asian countries (Murali incident has to do with it). He simply changed the ball and gave England FIVE RUNS! Pakistan was in complete control, and he gave England FIVE RUNS! I know they say that he insulted their whole country, but give me a break. Darrell Hair AND BILLY DOCTROVE have their respect too, and the Pakistani team undermined the umpires, and you can't do that, no matter what happens. If you want to make a complaint, your board lodges it against the umpires driectly to the ICC, you don't be selfish and hold up an entire game, to have a whinge. Darrell Hair did what it says in the rules. He got sacked because he was a 'racist' according to the PCB, and like it or not, politics from Asia won this round.

How about you just come out and say this, I doubt you even have an argument other than it's racist. He called them monkeys, he said these fans belong in a zoo, because they were being rowdy, which is fair enough. Where is the racism?

Seriously why does the ball tampering allegation has nothing to do with this?. Wasn't the whole thing started by him when he falsely accused Pakistan team of cheating?. If hadn't accused Pakistan wrongly then im sure Pak team wouldnt have walked out, which means that the whole oval-fiasco could have been avoided. You are just vigorously trying to defend him , when im pretty sure you yourself know that u dont make sense one bit. Mr Hair was rightly Punished , now i dunno whether it was right thing to do to completly Fire him or a suspension for 3-4 games would have been better. but anyway My point is that he had to be punished some way for his misconduct. and It has nothing to do with him being white, the only reason I think he was fired was because of his poor umpiring/judgement, not only in oval game but in some previous games aswell.

And as far as Gibbs incident is concerned , You have to remember that Gibb's is not some 8 year old kid who could call peoples "monkeys" etc, and not in a humurous way but rather in a very offensive way. He's a celebrity , a Role model for young childeren's etc so doesnt he have some responsability to behave properly? Imo he was rightly Punished. and as for calling peoples "monkeys" You to have to remember that IT IS considered racist. lemme tell you something, You know in some european football/soccer leagues (specially in spain) opposing fan's have habbit of Making fun of Black players, they often make "monkey noises" and recently same thing happend to Samuel eto'o(whos btw is one of the most famous players in world football), Eto'o was so disgusted that he nearly walked out of the stadium and Real Zaragoza(who's fans were racially abusing eto'o) was also fined by La LIGA , which shows that calling someone monkey or making monkey noises IS considered Racist. and also recently Some racist Spanish fan's made monkey chant's to Two black england players( Ashely cole and SWP) which lead to spanish government apologising to Tony Blair. If this wasn't considerd racist then why did Spanish government apologise to UK government? surely there must be something wrong with calling Peoples "monkeys" and making Monkey noises?.
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But that's soccer, this is cricket.
And how was it mis-conduct? It wasn't like he wagged his finger at them and said "Come here you" ala Gordon Ramsay. He was poliet, told them his decision, and was sacked for no reason. And Billy Doctrove was let off! No racism, just stupidity from the iCC...
ZoraxDoom said:
But that's soccer, this is cricket.
And how was it mis-conduct? It wasn't like he wagged his finger at them and said "Come here you" ala Gordon Ramsay. He was poliet, told them his decision, and was sacked for no reason. And Billy Doctrove was let off! No racism, just stupidity from the iCC...

oh come on,

Just because sport's are different doesnt mean that You can get away with saying racist stuff in one sports while u get punished for saying the same stuff in other. World doesnt work like this my friend. Racism is Racism .period
Demon_fire said:
Seriously why does the ball tampering allegation has nothing to do with this?. Wasn't the whole thing started by him when he falsely accused Pakistan team of cheating?. If hadn't accused Pakistan wrongly then im sure Pak team wouldnt have walked out, which means that the whole oval-fiasco could have been avoided. You are just vigorously trying to defend him , when im pretty sure you yourself know that u dont make sense one bit. Mr Hair was rightly Punished , now i dunno whether it was right thing to do to completly Fire him or a suspension for 3-4 games would have been better. but anyway My point is that he had to be punished some way for his misconduct. and It has nothing to do with him being white, the only reason I think he was fired was because of his poor umpiring/judgement, not only in oval game but in some previous games aswell.

And as far as Gibbs incident is concerned , You have to remember that Gibb's is not some 8 year old kid who could call peoples "monkeys" etc, and not in a humurous way but rather in a very offensive way. He's a celebrity , a Role model for young childeren's etc so doesnt he have some responsability to behave properly? Imo he was rightly Punished. and as for calling peoples "monkeys" You to have to remember that IT IS considered racist. lemme tell you something, You know in some european football/soccer leagues (specially in spain) opposing fan's have habbit of Making fun of Black players, they often make "monkey noises" and recently same thing happend to Samuel eto'o(whos btw is one of the most famous players in world football), Eto'o was so disgusted that he nearly walked out of the stadium and Real Zaragoza(who's fans were racially abusing eto'o) was also fined by La LIGA , which shows that calling someone monkey or making monkey noises IS considered Racist. and also recently Some racist Spanish fan's made monkey chant's to Two black england players( Ashely cole and SWP) which lead to spanish government apologising to Tony Blair. If this wasn't considerd racist then why did Spanish government apologise to UK government? surely there must be something wrong with calling Peoples "monkeys" and making Monkey noises?.
I make complete sense if you don't understand it then that isn't my fault. What was misconduct about what he did? If an umpire has any reason to believe that the ball has been tampered with, he may penalise the team 5 runs and select a new ball. He does not have to see the team tamper with it, and the umpire's decision is the umpire's decision, no team or player is bigger than him. Darrell Hair and Billy Doctrove both followed the rules, and one of them got sacked for it. Where is the misconduct? We don't know that Pakistan didn't tamper with the ball, there has been no proof either way, and I can assure you they wouldn't admit it, they would fight it.

As for why I said it doesn't matter, if he had continued with the game there would be less heat on him, and I doubt he would've been sacked. But calling off the game was also his and Doctrove's decision, and was within the rules. There is no misconduct. There is no reason to sack. There is only claims of racism and a team trying to deflect the blame.

And if monkey noises are offensive then we have serious problems. Maybe it was against Ronaldinho because he looks like a monkey, I don't know. What I do know is a monkey is an animal and is not a racist term. It doesn't matter what sport it is, monkeys are not racist.
aus5892 said:
And if monkey noises are offensive then we have serious problems. Maybe it was against Ronaldinho because he looks like a monkey, I don't know. What I do know is a monkey is an animal and is not a racist term. It doesn't matter what sport it is, monkeys are not racist.

Sorry, did you not read my last post? What have monkey noises got to do with the Darrel Hair incident? Nothing, that's what, so why are you talking about it?

One more mention of the Gibbs incident in this thread and it gets closed.
It's not irrelevant though, it's a comparison of two cases, I'm happy to stop talking about it, but it was part of my argument, although it probably has been discussed too much.
aus5892 said:
I make complete sense if you don't understand it then that isn't my fault. What was misconduct about what he did? If an umpire has any reason to believe that the ball has been tampered with, he may penalise the team 5 runs and select a new ball. He does not have to see the team tamper with it, and the umpire's decision is the umpire's decision, no team or player is bigger than him. Darrell Hair and Billy Doctrove both followed the rules, and one of them got sacked for it. Where is the misconduct? We don't know that Pakistan didn't tamper with the ball, there has been no proof either way, and I can assure you they wouldn't admit it, they would fight it.

As for why I said it doesn't matter, if he had continued with the game there would be less heat on him, and I doubt he would've been sacked. But calling off the game was also his and Doctrove's decision, and was within the rules. There is no misconduct. There is no reason to sack. There is only claims of racism and a team trying to deflect the blame.

And if monkey noises are offensive then we have serious problems. Maybe it was against Ronaldinho because he looks like a monkey, I don't know. What I do know is a monkey is an animal and is not a racist term. It doesn't matter what sport it is, monkeys are not racist.

First post...here goes :cheers

i 100% agree with aus5892 that is all i gotta say!

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