Review Demo impressions thread

Having read the last 15 pages of this thread, I am wondering whether we are all playing the same demo.

I have played on all 3 diffuculty settings. On HARD mode going in as Eng I managed to post 68/1 on my first attempt! I am consistely scoring 20 runs per over YES on HARD mode! Batting in this is just as easy as BLIC07. Can't hit a six but almost every shot is a FOUR. Just have to wait for the bowler to release the ball then select Direction and Loft button. I really hope this is a bug and they sort it out otherwise months of waiting gone to waste I am so Gutted! Back to BLIC2005. Also the game is NOT SMOOTH. Quite jerky almost like playing at 20fps. In a sports game frame rate very important for precision and timing of shots. Damn! Could I ask the playtesters to compare this demo to the build they played on ?
I am very dissappointed (and my brother).:(

I agree that the CPU does tend to play an insanely attacking field in the demo, even on hard mode. but you would have to be lucky to be able to score 20 in the first over without catching en edge somewhere

PS. T minus 2 minutes and counting
Hey guys been away for long time. Lost password case!!!:spy

All this demo talk makes me want the game now!!!
Haha, unlucky mate, you're gonna have to wait like the rest of us. Unless your an XBOX360 user, then you can download the demo..:(
Lets see if people change their minds after playing the demo for a few days. The bloke who is going at 20 rpo might be the norm after people get comfortable with it. EA07 was tough for me too the first week, once i got settled I was raping the AI with ease.
Lets see if people change their minds after playing the demo for a few days. The bloke who is going at 20 rpo might be the norm after people get comfortable with it. EA07 was tough for me too the first week, once i got settled I was raping the AI with ease.

Hopefully that won't be the case, because we want a real simulation where we can work hard and think tactically to win the Ashes.
I have no idea.. anywayz, are the videos up. Is this my 100th post? But are the videos up yet? Nope, 99th.

Cheers! WOOOOO!
edit: Dammit, not processed yet!
Not processed yet...these Wigan fans can't do anything right :p
thanks a lot, cant wait to see the catching system.

Being a ps3 user I never thought I would be jealous of the crapbox 360!

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