Difficult putting monty panesar on


Club Cricketer
Dec 31, 2005
Essex, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
Ive tried putting Monty Panesar's face on C2005 but it just isnt working, i asked Saurabh for assistants but there a problem that cannot be solved.
Because after a rename the File and i go back in the program it keeps on freezing, even after reininstalling the game, some1 plz plz help me!!!!!!!!!!
Use the tutorial on assigning a face by saurabh.Its linked in the Tutorials thread at the top of c2k5 dloads.
Deboooo said:
i did and i also sen t quite a few emails asking saurabh but it still doesnt work

Could you post what you did exactly starting from unzipping the file?

EDIT:Have you got the unique face patch installed btw?
what exactly is the problem in detail and what is the code u need
well i help him a lot but for some reason it is not working for him, but it is working for me.

I told him to assign a unique asian face to monty and start the game. He did and got a error having this file name 1e6028ac9aa3b0b48250b6a7148d204e.big.

So this means this is the unique face file for monty.
I told him to rename the file he downloaded to the new one if it is not having the same name and put it in the root directory.

Well after doing these steps his games just keeps on freezing. And i don't know why ?
This is what i did - and it worked fine for me.

1.) Rename the face file as 1e6028ac9aa3b0b48250b6a7148d204e.big

2.) Open Player Editor and set Unique face

Hope this helps
saurabh2185 said:
well i help him a lot but for some reason it is not working for him, but it is working for me.

I told him to assign a unique asian face to monty and start the game. He did and got a error having this file name 1e6028ac9aa3b0b48250b6a7148d204e.big.

So this means this is the unique face file for monty.
I told him to rename the file he downloaded to the new one if it is not having the same name and put it in the root directory.

Well after doing these steps his games just keeps on freezing. And i don't know why ?

He probably doesnt have the unique face patch installed(or installed properly).
can u post his file on here and ill try and fix it
sid_19840 said:
He probably doesnt have the unique face patch installed(or installed properly).

Well that could be the problem, but he says he has installed it. As other faces worked for him.

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