Do we need a ban list?

Do we need a ban list here?

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Quite frankly it's none of anyone's business why other members have been banned. If you are friendly with that person chances are you can contact the person through facebook, msn, or another forum. If you are not that friendly why are you interested? other than just curiosity I can't really think of a valid reason for needing to know.

This is Exactly What I Have To Say.
No Need For It.
Extra Load On Staff[Unnecessarily].
Staff Are Doing A Great Job As It Is.
we have some business mate with those members who some time get banned and also we also want to know why a person ban as we will be able to go through the rules more often and in this way more members will be disciplined.
This is Exactly What I Have To Say.
No Need For It.
Extra Load On Staff[Unnecessarily].
Staff Are Doing A Great Job As It Is.

If its true then people how have been banned they will be having reason why he or she is banned.One of thing i would like to say is many new users are having two accounts which is not allowed.They all get banned and they have threads people think that why this thread is not having downloads or anything that's why we are having new download forum i think so.There were serveral users how were having thread in cricket07 downloads forum.They were not coming online and there download problem was much then others.If we will have ban list staff member can be free to know why person is banned and when he will be unbanned all discussion could be made but in end staff member can take decission.

Edit-Agree with aouni.
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If is it true then people how have been banned hey will be having reason why he or she is banned.One of thing i would like to say is many new users are having two accounts which is not allowed they all get banned and they have threads people think that why this thread is not having downloads or anything that's why we are having new download forum i think so.There were serveral users how were having thread in cricket07 downloads forum but they were not coming online and there download problem was much then others.If we will have ban list staff member can be free to know why person is banned and when he will be unbanned all discussion could be made but in end staff member can take decission.

Edit-Agree with aouni.

Mate can you please use 'Fullstops','commas',etc.
Cannot Even understand what are you trying to convey.
for the sake of discipline of other member ban list must be on view.
I don't agree with the notion of creating a banned list. Creates bad blood between the banned member and the moderation team IMO and serves to widen the distance between the two.
no no there must not allow banned member to post there,ban list should only be for the sake of getting information about the rule which that person has violated so that no other members do the same.
The point of being banned is that, whatever you have been banned for, there should be a clean slate when you return and neither members nor staff should hold it against you.
We don't bans as a method of getting rid of members but of helping them to come back as better members. It decreases the chances of them coming back and being a good member if it's common knowledge why they were banned to start with.
I strongly dislike the idea of naming and shaming members. I will, if asked, say how long someone has been banned for but it's nothing but prurience in my opinion for members to want to know all the details.
I think the real reason everybody wants a ban list is to find out what Tom did to get banned

If somebody explains that, then nobody will care about a ban list anymore :p
The point of being banned is that, whatever you have been banned for, there should be a clean slate when you return and neither members nor staff should hold it against you.
We don't bans as a method of getting rid of members but of helping them to come back as better members. It decreases the chances of them coming back and being a good member if it's common knowledge why they were banned to start with.
I strongly dislike the idea of naming and shaming members. I will, if asked, say how long someone has been banned for but it's nothing but prurience in my opinion for members to want to know all the details.

I am also against ban list.
But as you stated that there should be a clean slate when members return,then may i please know why the members who return after a ban have their posts moderated?
Here's an example of a perfectly working ban list: Member Departures - Football Forums

It doesn't create any of these artificial divides between members and banned members, staff and banned members, it just stops putting people in the dark. It needs giving a go to get rid of all these theories about it being a negative thing.
Hey Colin.. Don't take it harsh..
Just the people may think that You're banned people for no reason (And even personal ego).
I had to face the same thing in Cricket 07 community in orkut.. The members were shouting that I banned a member for no reason because of my personal ego. (He copied one of my work in C2K7)
So, Its better to have a ban list.
may i please know why the members who return after a ban have their posts moderated?

They usually don't but certain members do (almost always ones who have been banned more than once before).

barmyarmy added 4 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

Hey Colin.. Don't take it harsh..
Just the people may think that You're banned people for no reason (And even personal ego).
I had to face the same thing in Cricket 07 community in orkut.. The members were shouting that I banned a member for no reason because of my personal ego. (He copied one of my work in C2K7)
So, Its better to have a ban list.

I'd like to think that banned members might be ashamed of their actions and not want everyone to know about it. We're not seeking to humiliate anyone.
There are two precept for me here. Don't talk about how the boards are run on the boards (take it up privately) and disclipline privately (incredibly important in teaching as well).
I'll give you an analogy. If you have to get a bollocking for something you've done at school would you rather it was in front of your whole class or in private? How would it make you feel towards the teacher and your classmates (or workmates) if you were publically admonished and then expected to be able to look people in the eye.
I'll give you an analogy. If you have to get a bollocking for something you've done at school would you rather it was in front of your whole class or in private? How would it make you feel towards the teacher and your classmates (or workmates) if you were publically admonished and then expected to be able to look people in the eye.

That can go 2 ways though. The students may rally behind the student getting in trouble (even if that student is completely in the wrong) or the students may watch the confrontation, and then later in the hallways talk about how the teacher is a *insert expletive here*.

Different scenario at work however, where your analogy does hold true.

If you're punished in private at school, many times the student will tell his friends, and the story will spread that way (depending on exactly what it is).

And again, different scenario at work, where you would try to hide it most likely.
I still don't know why Tom and Aussie Ben got banned. I'm assuming the latter got banned for just being Australian and that's fair enough I suppose. But this is actually a very rare good idea from Lee methinks.

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