Don Bradman 17 review - Buyers beware!!

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nor should there be an expectation for the users to fully explain and justify their views. If they want to be involved enough to do that, then great! However some people simply don't care enough to do this...

Having not played the demo or the game at all and speaking only on behalf of someone who reads the forums, the very definition of coming here and contributing is that one is expected to engage in debate and fully explain and justify themselves. Otherwise it's pages of incomprehensible scrawl.
I have the ps4 version with latest update installed and my views are based after playing the game.
Having not played the demo or the game at all and speaking only on behalf of someone who reads the forums, the very definition of coming here and contributing is that one is expected to engage in debate and fully explain and justify themselves. Otherwise it's pages of incomprehensible scrawl.
IMO many of the posts that are brief and without detailed explanation are still worthwhile, as even without that detail, you can see a general consensus emerge as well as see patterns when certain things are repeatedly being mentioned even if each individual post isn't a high-effort critical analysis.

Of course there are exceptions and a few posts are genuinely terrible and worthless, see @bumba's on the last page...
if each individual post isn't a high-effort critical analysis.

That's not what I'm expecting and most here aren't capable of actually constructive contributions under the best scenarios. But this thread is mostly drivel passing itself off as expert analysis championed by someone with a grudge. I think we (as a group) and Big Ant (as forum supporters) can expect a little higher discourse now the game is out. As I said, purely as a reader and watcher here during this whole game release, there's little of value here other than someone clearly with a chip on their shoulder and personal attacks with no validity or reason.
That's not what I'm expecting and most here aren't capable of actually constructive contributions under the best scenarios. But this thread is mostly drivel passing itself off as expert analysis championed by someone with a grudge. I think we (as a group) and Big Ant (as forum supporters) can expect a little higher discourse now the game is out. As I said, purely as a reader and watcher here during this whole game release, there's little of value here other than someone clearly with a chip on their shoulder and personal attacks with no validity or reason.
I wouldn't describe the OP here simply as someone with a grudge/chip on his shoulder. Yeah there's been a lot of negatives mentioned and in a harsh tone, but this is from someone who has spent a not insignificant amount of money on something that they feel isn't up to scratch... Being pissed off and expressing that does not discredit you as having a "grudge".

The first post here actually points out a lot of specific gameplay issues as well as the emotive sentiments, and the follow ups from @Royce are also reasonable even if a little harsh, especially now the game is officially released. Your attempt at discrediting him (with a "witty" response) because he doesn't study game development was logically flawed and pretty laughable.

If the only comments he made were "this game sucks, Big Ant sucks, Ashes 2013 is better" then fair enough he would just be an idiot with a grudge, but that's not the case here.
I dismissed him because his original post is full of aggressive hyperbole and he claimed to have knowledge of how games are developed whilst simultaneously mentioning that he doesn't study games development. You pointing out that a witty comment made for the purposes of wit "is laughable" was nice though, thanks. You get a sticker.

Blockerdave knows where it's at.
Simply playing video games over the years and experiencing the state that games release in before "day one" and other patches gives an indication as to how developers operate and where their priorities lie - he's not pretending to know how to code a game from the ground up, but simply saying that perhaps with more time before releasing that it could have arrived in a better state... This is pretty much inarguably correct with any game.
I mean what the hell? What on Earth are you trying to get at? Please explain how your comment will improve the game? This is literally the most obnoxious, self-involved, ignorant comment I've ever seen. Do I need to say more my ass. Get your thumb out your cock and stop trying to ride the hype.

I'm generally shocked. That is what Big Ant get. 4+ years of cricket gaming with to-the-minute response and improvement and they get some little privileged idiot making a stupid comparison with no reasons and NO VALIDITY WHAT SO EVER.

Please sir, leave this forum. Sell your game. You deserve nothing more then some crap Cricket 07 rip off...

Dude... I started posting in a nicer and more constructive fashion, perhaps you could do the same... this thread was never meant as an expletive laden rant about the etiquette of posting on this forum... perhaps try and keep your responses a little more on point?
I dismissed him because his original post is full of aggressive hyperbole and he claimed to have knowledge of how games are developed whilst simultaneously mentioning that he doesn't study games development. You pointing out that a witty comment made for the purposes of wit "is laughable" was nice though, thanks. You get a sticker.

Blockerdave knows where it's at.

Tell me if I'm wrong here... while it is a simple understanding of "game development", I can sum that concept up in a short phrase... "create a video game that doesn't make your customers so angry that they return it the next day and never buy a game from that developer again"...

How about defending the quality of the game, rather than ranting about how we choose to word our posts...
but simply saying that perhaps with more time before releasing that it could have arrived in a better state... This is pretty much inarguably correct with any game.

...anything in life, other than babies, that is "inarguably correct". I'm not sure how stating the obvious helps the discussion, but whatever. I don't really care. I made a joke. I don't need to defend comedy on a Sunday morning, I have other things to do.

rather than ranting about how we choose to word our posts...

Nobody ranted, Jeremy. I'll call you Jeremy. You seem like a Jeremy.
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