Don Bradman 17 review - Buyers beware!!

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It seems like the community has changed. I don't remember these hostilities with DBC14 which did have some issues that needed fixing but there certainly wasn't "Big Ant is a thief took your money and run"

I would say if there's any silence from them it's because they're working.
...anything in life, other than babies, that is "inarguably correct". I'm not sure how stating the obvious helps the discussion, but whatever. I don't really care. I made a joke. I don't need to defend comedy on a Sunday morning, I have other things to do.

Nobody ranted, Jeremy. I'll call you Jeremy. You seem like a Jeremy.

If this is the case, please stop posting in this thread... I have genuine concerns that I'm trying to talk about here, if your not going to approach them in a "actually constructive" kind of fashion, then please stop posting here on this thread...
It seems like the community has changed. I don't remember these hostilities with DBC14 which did have some issues that needed fixing but there certainly wasn't "Big Ant is a thief took your money and run"

I would say if there's any silence from them it's because they're working.

Not really no. There may be a few users who are a bit more aggressive than others but the majority are still stating the bugs/issues/concerns in the same manner they used to do in the DBC 14 days.
I have genuine concerns that I'm trying to talk about here

"actually constructive"

Indeed, Jeremy.

Shame on you people for releasing such an expensive pile of refuse!!



It seems like the community has changed.

Nah, same thing happened when '14 arrived. Couple of people showed up day one and posted very similar stuff to "Royce" - similarly joining upon the day of release and posted hyperbolic schlock about wanting their money back and how Big Ant were going out of business. Rinse, wash, repeat.
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Tell me if I'm wrong here... while it is a simple understanding of "game development", I can sum that concept up in a short phrase... "create a video game that doesn't make your customers so angry that they return it the next day and never buy a game from that developer again"...

How about defending the quality of the game, rather than ranting about how we choose to word our posts...
Unfortunately I think you are fighting a losing battle trying to converse with some people on here as you're not in the "clique".

I find it sad really - you've had a lot of actually constructive things to say but because you said a few "mean" things as well, some here just dismiss you completely. Look at the end of your first post in this thread (what your wife said);

"Its like they fixed everything from DBC 14 but broke everything else"

And the start of blockerdave's review in another thread;

"If I had to sum up DBC17 in a short pithy phrase, I'd say @BigAntStudios have fixed what was broke about DBC14, and broke what was fixed."

The similarity is so obvious, but because he's a veteran here and hasn't said a few harsh things to go along with the criticisms will get vastly different treatment.

...anything in life, other than babies, that is "inarguably correct". I'm not sure how stating the obvious helps the discussion, but whatever. I don't really care. I made a joke. I don't need to defend comedy on a Sunday morning, I have other things to do.
He stated what you now regard as "the obvious", but at the time seemingly attempted to dismiss it as incorrect? So either you didn't read it correctly and/or saw a chance to be "funny", and then have the gall to complain about other people's quality of posting. Okay.
The similarity is so obvious, but because he's a veteran here and hasn't said a few mean things to go along with the criticisms will get vastly different treatment.

Yeah, stone me for not giving much credibility to a guy who signed up on Thursday.

as you're not in the "clique".

....we have badges!

So either you didn't read it correctly and/or saw a chance to be "funny", and then have the gall to complain about other people's quality of posting. Okay.

Go outside, take a breath. I made a joke, plenty of people got it. You're painful somedays, today is one of those days.
Unfortunately I think you are fighting a losing battle trying to converse with some people on here as you're not in the "clique".

I find it sad really - you've had a lot of actually constructive things to say but because you said a few "mean" things as well, some here just dismiss you completely. Look at the end of your first post in this thread (what your wife said);

"Its like they fixed everything from DBC 14 but broke everything else"

And the start of blockerdave's review in another thread;

"If I had to sum up DBC17 in a short pithy phrase, I'd say @BigAntStudios have fixed what was broke about DBC14, and broke what was fixed."

The similarity is so obvious, but because he's a veteran here and hasn't said a few harsh things to go along with the criticisms will get vastly different treatment.

He stated what you now regard as "the obvious", but at the time seemingly attempted to dismiss it as incorrect? So either you didn't read it correctly and/or saw a chance to be "funny", and then have the gall to complain about other people's quality of posting. Okay.

We both a had a good laugh over that one :D... Its really only a couple of crew in the clique that seem to have a problem with what I've said, it is rather ironic how they choose to vent this frustration however :P[DOUBLEPOST=1482013597][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, stone me for not giving much credibility to a guy who signed up on Thursday.

Because my worth as a provider of feedback, NAY, as a human being, stems from how long I've been active on this forum...
I was just referring to the people saying that big ant took the money and left and other things like that not what Royce said.

This is why I also said people should never pre-order but that comment didn't go down too well.
Because my worth as a provider of feedback, NAY, as a human being, stems from how long I've been active on this forum...

It actually does. You have zero credibility. I don't really care what you have to say when your OP is full of hyperbolic nonsense, veiled attacks on the developer and inability to be self-aware. When you walk into someones room and start mouthing off at all the people who have been there for longer, you don't tend to make many friends.

You did it for the attention, I get that. You get that. You did it for "internet hero" reasons. "Buyers Beware" indeed.

This is why I also said you should never pre-order but that comment didn't go down too well.

I don't see the correlation between pre-ording and games being good or bad? Pre-ordering simply guarantees you a copy before it hits the shelf for others to buy. You can also cancel that order at anytime?
I was just referring to the people saying that big ant took the money and left and other things like that not what Royce said.

This is why I also said you should never pre-order but that comment didn't go down too well.

He's just being too emotional there. Leave out that bit but most of Royce's criticism is valid, especially related to batting. Pre-order is a risk you take and it's your own choice. If I had the option to order or pre-order DBC 17 again, I would still do it but that's my decision and I don't hold anyone responsible for it. I've full faith in Big Ant that they will address our concerns and I've no qualms in being amongst the first few who played the game initially and provided the feedback.
Yeah, stone me for not giving much credibility to a guy who signed up on Thursday.
Duration of membership has no bearing on credibility. Although I guess you wouldn't feel that way as for some reason you have an almost cult following on here.

Go outside, take a breath. I made a joke, plenty of people got it. You're painful somedays, today is one of those days.
There wasn't anything to "get". It was a bad joke at best and looked more like reading comprehension failure...
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Dbc14 was actually playable and didnt suffer crashes.

Yes there was problems but not to the extent that some like myself are having with DBC17.

Plus as its a second iteration of the product we do expect more than the first and would of thought that the process of release would be done better than the first!

My opinion so dont blast me ok!
It unequivocally does and you know that.

Your words, not mine. But... we have badges!
Enough nonsense, I'm reporting this post I'm replying to and won't be entertaining your shitposts any longer. I was originally willing to try having a proper discussion with you but it's not going to happen so I give up.
@The_Pharoah has hit the nail on its head!

This game needs a thorough relook! Like he says, "all I want is a game that replicates what I can see/do IRL." THAT IS ALL!!!!

As of now, it's not a product you expect from the guys who made DBC 14.

To be fair, in my opinion, i dont think you will ever get a game that perfectly replicates what you can do "IRL". There are so many nuances in Cricket. At the end of the day, its a video game. designed to entertain.
The amount of people in here that have clocked up hundreds of hours on DBC14 is a testament to that.
Was it exactly what happens on the cricket field? not all of it, but it provided so much fun. Which is what video games are about.

If we want 100% super wiz-bang ultra simulation... then we just need to get outside and play.

Sure there may be some issues/bugs at the moment. but i am sure they will be fixed as they were in the past. BA are always working on ways to improve their games. not just DBC.
People need to have a little patience.
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