Don Bradman 17 review - Buyers beware!!

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Ha. It doesn't matter of he joined Thursday, or if he joined right after Bob Dole invented the internet. He may have lurked for years - whatever. If he did in fact buy the game, he's allowed his say without the crusty curmudgeon PC members knee-jerking all over the place. And Ross calling bullshit on his concerns is a little precious, I have to say. If there's a problem, fix it. If Royce is wrong, he's wrong. Too early to call bullshit.

I was calling you on bullshit, you wanted to see how I responded to you and I did - I've taken the concerns of @Royce seriously from the outset - didn't like how it's phrased - but I've been on this thread from the outset and replying, and have said I will get things fixed where broken.
But he was rather articulate in explaining his position.

I think we read a totally different OP, Be interested to know if he actually got in touch with them directly like was suggested.

Either way, as I said, I don't have a horse in this race. I'm skeptical of Royce's intent and will remain so until he tones it down and actually works with the community here and Ross directly regarding his gameplay experience.
Legit. That's what I don't get? Why go out and attack people/the studio? There's a way to present this information in a palatable fashion for everyone and at the very least, if you're going to have a crack, do it with some tongue-in-cheek (or take it from the master, do it with red circles?).

My issue is not with the information or complaints presented, it's with the attitude and intent behind it. If he's after the same thing as the rest of the community, bit of self-awareness and taking some time to actually make his posts less-aggressive, combative and intellectually comprehensible would be a good start. Someone like Blocker, who made a vastly better post, is clearly in it with the rest of us.

...and that shit doesn't help either. How do you know this?

We'll agree to disagree. I'm deeply suspicious of anyone who joins a cricket games forum on the day of the release of a new cricket game with the express intent of telling everyone how terrible the said cricket game is and attacking the developer directly for it.
TBH that's a non-issue. He might be a long time lurker and after buying a game he thought of voicing his concerns. I think people are attacking the poster instead of his post. We need to see if it's true or not?
He might be a long time lurker and after buying a game he thought of voicing his concerns.

He might also be a previously banned member with a chip on his shoulder or a known-commodity whinge-bag posting under a new account. Some of us have long memories and remember a few characters showing up at the same time when DBC14 hit posting similar stuff. Once again, I have zero issue with the content of the complaints raised, if the intent is to improve the game and be a constructive member of the community. I'm yet to see evidence of either. Going out of his way to have a crack at multiple members, staff and the developer don't encourage me.

If I'm wrong and he's able to tone it down and be constructive, I'll be the first to make him an avatar.
I was calling you on bullshit, you wanted to see how I responded to you and I did - I've taken the concerns of @Royce seriously from the outset - didn't like how it's phrased - but I've been on this thread from the outset and replying, and have said I will get things fixed where broken.
I wasn't the source of this bullshit to which you refer. Anyway, I'll let that go.

Old-timers on this site do have a habit of giving new members who dissent a hard time. Hopefully that will change. Let's see what comes of this Royce situation.
We'll agree to disagree. I'm deeply suspicious of anyone who joins a cricket games forum on the day of the release of a new cricket game with the express intent of telling everyone how terrible the said cricket game is and attacking the developer directly for it.

How does this not make sense? I bought the game, I was unhappy, I found these forums and aired my concerns... I cant follow your logic here... ???!?!!??!??
He might also be a previously banned member with a chip on his shoulder or a known-commodity whinge-bag posting under a new account. Some of us have long memories and remember a few characters showing up at the same time when DBC14 hit posting similar stuff. Once again, I have zero issue with the content of the complaints raised, if the intent is to improve the game and be a constructive member of the community. I'm yet to see evidence of either. Going out of his way to have a crack at multiple members, staff and the developer don't encourage me.

If I'm wrong and he's able to tone it down and be constructive, I'll be the first to make him an avatar.

Ill go fix my OP, watch this space!
I wasn't the source of this bullshit to which you refer. Anyway, I'll let that go.

Old-timers on this site do have a habit of giving new members who dissent a hard time. Hopefully that will change. Let's see what comes of this Royce situation.

I don't think he reported his feedback for any of those reasons. We should hear him out, and wait for BA's responses. Everything he reported was legitimate; he obviously has the game with the Day 1 patch, and he has found problems with the game. Any cricket game without a cover drive is faulty, as just one example. I'd like to see how BA respond.

Well this is the problem, you become the source when you make such broad statements.
I cant follow your logic here... ???!?!!??!??

That's not my problem. Take some time to read any of the better threads here, or @blockerdave's and you'll see why there's a credibility issue. Feel free to work with the community, myself included and the CEO of the company you're bemoaning, rather than against us.
I think some people round here ^^ are actually a little bit conspicuously paranoid... Makes me wonder what goes on sometimes. @Royce most of his concerns seem to be genuine well intended but "Harsh" criticism. No hidden agenda if thats how some are trying to portray him.

Edit: Dont try and discredit someone because they dont suck up or conform to the "fanboys"
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Well this is the problem, you become the source when you make such broad statements.
Oh righto then. Thanks for the lecture. Royce claimed legitimate concerns, and these claims need to be falsified. Might want to tuck your manners in a bit now. Your admission to occasional hot-headedness doesn't excuse diplomatic tardiness.
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