Don Bradman 17 review - Buyers beware!!

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However there isn't silence. There is acknowledgement that people are having issues and an explanation that the vast majority are not. I have expressed that it is our belief that the major problems are cause by playing an unpatched version, or by downloading/playing with teams with censored elements.

I was working through issues as soon as they were posted, Friday night, Saturday day & night, and now Sunday, and I will do so for the rest of today and through until we actually find out solutions either server side or patch. Indeed we have already had one patch in for submission that I am hoping will sort a lot of this out.

When people that don't have the game comment about an experience they have not had that is based on hearsay, and it is not correct, it slows us down - fully expect me to get pissed about that, it surprises me that those with the issues are not pissed at them too, if it were me I'd want a solution to my issues asap.

I didn't say there was any silence from you I said "If there's any silence it's because they're working" I don't read much of the forum and don't know your daily activity but people throughout the thread had mentioned it and I'll comment where I see fit. I don't have the game because it's on not out on PC so feel free to ignore my posts so they don't slow you down.
I for one agree. Lets go back to talking about the super-friends Clique. I vote @Dutch as the grand-master principal.
....... and Meg.

I didn't say there was any silence from you I said "If there's any silence it's because they're working" I don't read much of the forum and don't know your daily activity but people throughout the thread had mentioned it and I'll comment where I see fit. I don't have the game because it's on not out on PC so feel free to ignore my posts so they don't slow you down.

I thanked your post, I wasn't having a go :)
I call bullshit. So you have the game and you categorically state it has no cover drive?

I have responded, and continue to respond, unfortunately it's too often to posts like these.

I may well have a reputation for being a little hot at times but I also have a reputation for keeping my word, we will fix whatever it is that is causing these issues.

Now I'm off to actually see if we can replicate some of the issues that it would appear less than 1% of the pop are having because I actually do care that people like @Royce get the experience they have paid for.

Ross I played the game initially with out of the box teams and without downloading teams from the academy and my batting experience was consistent after downloading the teams from academy and playing with the same. I've posted the wagon wheel as suggested by Matt and detailed my experience in the DC 17 Batting thread...
DBC 17 Batting - Don Bradman Cricket 17 Forum on PlanetCricket Forums
really if there was some competition in cricketgaming by other company dbc17 would have been masterpiece game but as far as now



REMINDING shoking moments OF

downgraded ASHES13 AFTER awsome ASHES09

but ashes 13 was made by trickstars ashes 09 was made by codemasters
really if there was some competition in cricketgaming by other company dbc17 would have been masterpiece game but as far as now



REMINDING shoking moments OF

downgraded ASHES13 AFTER awsome ASHES09

but ashes 13 was made by trickstars ashes 09 was made by codemasters
Lol and EA dont care about fans or cricket.
Atleast Bigant are trying to make a cricket game for us while Codemasters and EA just dont care.
EA doesn't give a damn about cricket fans or the cricket game. Kudos to Big Ant for at least giving us something.
While the game is not in great shape (at the moment), comparing @BigAntStudios to EA or codemasters is extremely unjustified. @Biggs is right about one thing. Newbies blow things out of proportions way too regularly.

You have no idea, how many times I have explained newbies not to compare Big Ant with EA or Codemasters
Hi Ross....I would really appreciate if you could kindly acknowledge that you have read my posts and aware of the issues that I have highlighted?

@BigAntStudios @HBK619 @mikeymerren These issues have been reported by several users and myself (and we all have the patch), and most of the issues described by Royce are true for all users (except for fan boys and people with herd mentality).

Anyway, if you claim that QA by Sony and MS and by yourself was do you explain the massive, glaring issues listed would be much appreciated if you even acknowledge these issues exist and let us know what and when you intend to do in order to fix it.

Cover Drive
How could anyone at Bigant not notice that one cannot play a Cover Drive (which was apparent to me within 10 minutes)? Even if this was missed by the developers.......haven't they done QA for even one day, If the people doing QA had any clue...they would definitely not pass a game where 50% of the offside field is inaccessible. Furthermore, the fact that attempting a cover drive triggers an animation where the batsman exposes his stump and attempts a nothing shot is game breaking and off putting.

Leg Glance

The leg glance ends up at mid wicket in front of square and rarely goes to backward square leg...let alone fine leg. There is no back foot leg glance animation either which is one of the bread and butter shots. Leg glance issues again render a large chunk of the onside inaccessible.

Stroke Variation
If you consider one side of the field (lets say offside) spans 180 degrees....but there are only 4 or 5 animations covering the entire spectrum....the much proclaimed analog batting controls should be capable of ensuring placement for every 10 degrees at least.....which means that there should be 18 possible variants of offside ground stroke play depending on my analog stick position but sadly it is only 4 or 5.

The same holds true on the leg side as well.....DBC 14 was slightly better in this regard (although not completely analog as proclaimed) and offered 7 or 8 variants. A sequel should have seen improvement in this core aspect, let alone suffer in this area as is evident now.

Career Stats

You claim in the above post that stats exist for career player. Please post a screenshot of the same (not the fleeting display when the player walks into bat or bowl).

@BigAntStudios @mikeymerren Having Women Players, Helicopter shots, Dilscoops, Stadium Creators etc are just bells and whistles....and in my opinion irrelevant if you cannot get the simplest, fundamental aspects right, especially those that already existed in the previous version.
I'm pretty disappointed with what I've read above. Now I'm not a regular user here, in fact I only remembered about this forum yesterday when I was googling glitches involving DBC17 after buying it. So far all I've seen is an employee of Big Ant acting like a petulant child and a coupleasure of people I can only assume are moderators abusing commenters with the same concerns I have - one user has even said he doesn't own the game yet is in here abusing commenters in a thread specifically about owning the game.

I have always liked Big Ant, in fact I've been supporting them with a lot of different games over the years. I bought DBC14 twice after loving it and wanting to support the developers, AFL live 1 is one of my favourite games of all time and I even enjoyed the rugby games despite knowing bugger all about rugby. But after seeing the genuine concerns here dismissed as being "accusations made by a minority" I'm genuinely concerned that my concerns will be brushed aside. I too have had glitches - both minor and game breaking - crashes, limited shot availability, and other concerns mentioned above. I wasn't that concerned by them since I figured Big Ant would fix all these in due time and the game is quite fun when it works.

I frequented the Bigfooty threads on AFL Live 1 and interacted with Ross quite a bit and always found him helpful and interested in concerns. Perhaps the comments he made were made during a stressful day and they will be reflected on later as being ill advised, but right now I'm concerned that many commenters here are so connected with the Big Ant company, that they refuse to see the genuine concerns people have. At the end of the day, we have spent $100 on a product and that product isn't as advertised. It isn't complete, it doesn't work a large portion of the time and that is not good enough. That has happened and we should move forward, the response from here is what I think will define big ant - much as was the case with Hello Games.
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