So, having bought a brand new PS4 pro specifically and exclusively to play this game, I couldn't wait to play it when I got my hands on it today. What a disappointment. Been looking forward to this game for the last year only to see a step backwards. I can honestly echo the first post in some of his points. No doubt all his points may be valid but in the 2 hours I have spent playing, or should I say, tried playing the game, I have had it crash 3 times and found the game play to be poor. Its virtually impossible to see the ball when you bat using the far batting camera; the ball disappears when hit in the air ; there seem to be only a limited number of shots you can play and I tried to download the best version teams but I got a message saying the function wasn't available. I know it's early days and I'm sure the BIG ANT team will try and solve the problems but really disappointed. Feel DBC 14 is actually better than 17 right now. Oh, and yes I did download the patch straight away upon loading the game. Biggest problem for me is that you can't see the ball when batting. Fielding interface is poor too. Much easier on DBC 14 to change fields. Will play a bit more over the next couple of days to see what else is wrong or hopefully right.