Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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It's the only style to use, plus you get a cool little "Biggs" easter-egg ;)

I use cricket, I don't like the black of the New Zealand one, it gives it a dark tone that makes me frightened of the posts.
Fourth post?

EDIT: I've done it! 999th page and 4th post! Man I am so proud of myself
Well, I've done my analysis on the page count and I can exclusively reveal that we are still on page 375.

There are other styles? Mind blown.
Bottom left. Mine says England.


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Should it be 'an @Biggs' or 'a @Biggs'? I always pronounce the @ but maybe I shouldn't.

Go with "Lord Biggs" just to be safe!
Breaking news, Biggs and Dutch are the same person. You heard it here first folks.:D

PS Also my keyboard is going to heaven. PS Need a new keyboard.:(

Also i love these little friends of mine.:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes
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