Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

@Biggs just linked the article that I'd have linked in reply to that question, which proves that he's a lovely man

hardcore gamers

i'd be interesting in hearing your proof that among "hardcore gamers" (a phrase that frankly means nothing; I play a fair amount of video games (usually old ones - currently its a random selection of old space sims, especially Star Wars Tie Fighter which you all should to go GOG and buy right now) and I wouldn't count as a hardcore gamer under the definitions I've heard) women are a significant minority - again in my experience its not the case; although that's anecdotal evidence and actual proof would trump it.

Sure most games are still marketed towards men; but things are changing albeit rather slowly. I think that is mostly because we're moving away from a model where, at least in the PC space, smaller developers can make games - a few years ago brilliant games like Undertale would have struggled to get any real attention, while now the fact that PC gamers have moved almost totally to digital marketplaces like GOG and Steam means that people will focus on smaller indie games: meaning that things like Undertale get the recognition that they deserve - the fact that it topped so many Game of the Year lists for 2015 should demonstrate that.

We probably ought to move this away from this thread to another one dedicated to it though...

Here's the article I was referring to and granted it may be outdated but it sheds light on core and hardcore gamer stats...

The gender inequality in core gaming is worse than you think | GamesBeat | Games | by dennisscimeca

Here are some interesting excerpts from the article...

- Statistics show that almost 50 percent of all gamers are women, but this information doesn’t tell the whole story. Gender inequality in the core video game audience is not only still rampant but even worse than we realize.

- Nielsen refers to gamers on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as the “HD console audience.” They are an average age of 28 and are 69 percent male, according to Nielsen’s data.

- The HD shooter audience is 78 percent male.
- The HD action game audience is 80 percent male.
- The HD sports game audience is 85 percent male.

These days you will see lots of households own consoles but not all of them are used for gaming. Majority of those are used as multi-media centres or media players for streaming services like Netflix. This is what the article states in a way and that's why I used the term "hardcore" gamers.
I'm genuinely interested to hear why you thought so. I know it would take the thread on a different tangent but I'm intrigued.
I can explain it.

It was nothing that Cooks had said wrong or anything like that. It was the way the question was worded it gave the impression we all were all isolated from women gamers.

It made us look like these sad people that sit there and wonder because no female member had spoken about it and again it wasn’t Cooks saying that just that no one had replied to the message straight away. So it made it look like no one knew any women gamers.

So I was just messing around and it wasn’t meant to be offensive or to upset anyone.
granted it may be outdated

It's 3 years old, outdated to say the least. The reality is more and more media in general, but games and movies are being marketed toward and aimed specifically at women, at the very least including elements that are not gender-biased. You'll also find because of the gamer-gate stuff that has been going on a LOT of women gamers (I know a few) play online under male-pseudonyms for fear of the weird assholes out there. So while the research isn't an exact science on this topic, the reality is games companies that don't make a valiant attempt, like movies, television and other media, to court females as a legitimate demographic do so at their own peril these days.

Similar comparisons/arguments have been made in the past to minority groups not being included in games and you'd never read an online debate citing three year old articles on the inclusion of hispanic or people of colour in games in 2016. I think it would be a bold, positive and frankly world-beating move from Big Ant if they were to respectfully include women's cricket either now, or in the future, the key is handling it so it doesn't a) detract from the realism of the overall game and b) allow players to manipulate the female players in an unrealistic or inappropriate manner. I can only see positive aspects to it, so long as it's handled like we've all talked about.

These days you will see lots of households own consoles but not all of them are used for gaming. Majority of those are used as multi-media centres or media players for streaming services like Netflix. This is what the article states in a way and that's why I used the term "hardcore" gamers.

You've describe the modern hardware environment. Consoles are expected to do more than play games, just as your phone is expected to do more than answer phone calls. To suggest that there is the secret category of people that only buy consoles to "hard-core game" is naive, those people simply don't exist anymore. ALL people buy consoles to perform numerous tasks, hence why these statistics are measured by who-owns-consoles not who plays games on them. In fact, the term "hard-core gamer" really only applies to a very small minority of people, since most people would self-describe as casual gamers these days as there are multiple avenues for "gaming" as mobile devices take over a bigger and bigger share as the technology gets better. Most people that invest in gaming as a serious hobby would do so on PC based platforms, the consoles are used as a "capture-all" access point - hence again - why you're seeing a rise in ownership by women of consoles, because it's easy for them to get into games they like without the hassle of asking Mike who's been "friend-zoned" over to help install Steam.

Is gaming in general perceived as a male-dominated arena? Yes. Is this perception wrong? Most likely. Now, do sports titles have a gender bias towards males? That's the better question, I would make the case they absolutely do. Is that right? No. Is cricket one of the few sports that globally has a pretty positive and proactive ambition to promote women in the sport? Yes, but not enough... Inclusion in any game would be front-page stuff for Big Ant, I think they know that. It would certainly give them a point of difference and an access into an as-yet untapped niche buyer in the cricket and sporting world, currently.

I think that's enough pro-feminism from me to fill the thread, haha.

@Biggs just linked the article that I'd have linked in reply to that question, which proves that he's a lovely man

Feelings mutual, stop drinking and get online sometime so I can thrash* you again**

*turn off rain
**you heard me
@Biggs just linked the article that I'd have linked in reply to that question, which proves that he's a lovely man

i'd be interesting in hearing your proof that among "hardcore gamers" (a phrase that frankly means nothing; I play a fair amount of video games (usually old ones - currently its a random selection of old space sims, especially Star Wars Tie Fighter which you all should to go GOG and buy right now) and I wouldn't count as a hardcore gamer under the definitions I've heard) women are a significant minority - again in my experience its not the case; although that's anecdotal evidence and actual proof would trump it.

Sure most games are still marketed towards men; but things are changing albeit rather slowly. I think that is mostly because we're moving away from a model where, at least in the PC space, smaller developers can make games - a few years ago brilliant games like Undertale would have struggled to get any real attention, while now the fact that PC gamers have moved almost totally to digital marketplaces like GOG and Steam means that people will focus on smaller indie games: meaning that things like Undertale get the recognition that they deserve - the fact that it topped so many Game of the Year lists for 2015 should demonstrate that.

We probably ought to move this away from this thread to another one dedicated to it though...

I was merely pointing out he said hardcore but yeah there are many variations of what the term "hardcore" gamer really means bit of a useless term if you ask me :p I don't know what the official definition is but from my perspective it's one of two things. Someone who plays a sh*t ton of games and clocks them or the perspective I'm more familiar with is one which I used to dwell in myself which is playing one game to an extreme. For me it was counterstrike playing it 8-12hrs a day in my teens, traveling to tournaments etc I guess that'd count as hardcore I don't know really.

I haven't played a space sim in so long, those are fun...does starfox count? haha
I think it would also do well to have an edition with a woman cricketer as cover player, even a limited edition as it will give more visibility and incentive to look into it!

Plus also add all the friends and partners of the male gamers, even if they are interested to play a casual session occasionally, with women teams to play with there it will interest more and have more appeal i guess!

[DOUBLEPOST=1460262497][/DOUBLEPOST]The other thing about the women gamers report i would take it with a pinch of salt is, demographic of DBC is different from the US centred ones the stats are taken from, though UK & aus NZ probably has more female gamers!
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a LOT of women gamers play online under male-pseudonyms for fear of the weird assholes out there.

That’s why I doubt you will get an active female member on here.

The risk of been treated different
The risk of been on the end of inappropriate or insulting jokes
The risk of creepy pm’s.

Not saying you would do this but I would put my money on these been the reasons why.
I guess it has been mentioned before. The main problem with almost all the cricket game we have ever played is that batsmen don't act according to the situation. While batting in the death overs , batsmen need to be more aggressive than middle overs. But in DBC 14 batsmen are like even if the AI needs 1 run from 1 ball they won't try to take single after hitting the ball if the ball goes straight to the fielder. But they should run even if it's a play and miss. Some times they even defend the ball in that kind of situations. I hope it won't happen in the next iteration.
Had talked about sledging before. I really hope sledging will be there. It not only will help in online but also in matches against ai. If a batsman is at their prime form and is set on the pitch , the sledging can be a way to create a sudden adrenaline rush and force them to play big shots resulting wickets. Set batsmen may be even be able to hit it out of the park for that.
Players who are out of form or tailenders will also feel the pressure. But sledging should only work after some play and misses, Fall of wicket, some hit on the body.
After sledging, the bowler will have to maintain good line and length. If they bowl something in the batsmen's comfortable zone. There will be high possibility of getting smashed.
sledging can be used to trigger aggression in a batsman and try to play risky shot. I guess it can be done while playing AI.
Not necessary but can be used to add variations to the atmosphere.
I agree that there should be pressure of some sort, but no sledging.

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