Club Cricketer
You really do have no idea how Hawkeye works do you?
I don't need to . Predictions without real time data are never going to work. If hawk eye does use real time data on and around the pitch then there is no way it can predict the speed of the ball .
So if they set up a video camera perpendicular to the pitch, and a video camera behind the bowler's arm, recorded 1000 deliveries, thus creating a 3D video picture of each delivery, then, using HawkEye sensors' results, and superimpose each delivery video and HawkEye pictures onto one another, showing 100% accuracy, you still wouldn't be happy with it?
Nope . That is not data . Those are pictures . For prediction you need real time data and for real time data you need sensors in and around the pitch. As I said it is just a digital "Join the dots and create a picture" and a stupid technology.