EA Sports

As I said in the other thread, people who are as blantantly homophobic as you are only trying to hide there own obvious homosexuality.

Come on, we're all men of the world here. We won't think any less of you.
Originally posted by andrew_nixon79@Apr 20 2003, 04:55 PM
As I said in the other thread, people who are as blantantly homophobic as you are only trying to hide there own obvious homosexuality.

Come on, we're all men of the world here. We won't think any less of you.
He asked a question so I answered it.

I am not gay. All my friends that know me, know that i have done plenty of things with girls. (I am not a Virgin.) So if you think I am gay, It doesn't bother me.
nice pic's abhi2223, maybe i should upload some of my pic's (Holland beating Australia by 240 runs) :D
i think **** lover is a cab driver from the brisbane cbd, he smokes pole, with a side dish of vindaloo and popadoms. if there is one person that is gay it would be the person that says "oh i've done heaps of things with girls, just ask my friends" u r a tosser!
Originally posted by nigaldo@Apr 20 2003, 10:40 PM
i think **** lover is a cab driver from the brisbane cbd, he smokes pole, with a side dish of vindaloo and popadoms. if there is one person that is gay it would be the person that says "oh i've done heaps of things with girls, just ask my friends" u r a tosser!
Good One

Here in US, 4 Years of College are the best years of your life. As for my Friends knowing i have done stuff is because I have friends and we go to parties and have fun not like you, who stays at home and masturbates to Beckham and Rugby Players. FAG
C:\Program Files\EA SPORTS\Cricket2002\data\models\pitch
in the above link select the condition (dry,damp etc.)and then slect one of the folders (1,2,etc.) each folder will have a pitchad
By the way **** lover what r u studying in the US ?
Originally posted by bsmit007@Apr 21 2003, 01:08 AM
By the way **** lover what r u studying in the US ?
I am studying International Business. So I can travel the world and do work at the same time. Plus i get to see how stupid other people are in different countries.
Ya even other people will get to see that morons like u actually exist on this planet
**** Lover, you are a digrace. You are a disgrave to the US, and a disgrace to Pakistan(if that is where you a from : **** Lover). I never usually cum out with words of harsh, but you seem to always put crap on people and tease them. you should be ashamed. Other people in this forum look down on you and you petty ways. <_< discraced
Im glad he has been banned. He was a real moffie<-afrikaans. :P

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