EXE related - to crack blc EXE


Club Cricketer
Aug 11, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
When i view the blc EXE files(such as software.exe, d3dhigh.exe, d3dhigh.exe) by using UltraEDIT(Hex Editor), i found one thing. The EXE file is compressed using a effective EXE compression algorithm called PETITE COMPRESSION. You can read about PETITE Compression at http://arctest.narod.ru/self/petite.htm and You also download the Petite Compression demo(shareware) at http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Utiliti....e.html.
But the bad thing is There is no PETITE Extraction of the compresed file as for as i am searching all over the net. Friends, you may do a lot of game enhancement if you extract those files. Cheers to find.

BOSS :=}
Hey congratulations for finding such a big thing in BLC. This has to be greatest discovery 'bout BLC. I visited the petite site you talked about and it said that the exe's created run in NT as well. But this is not true for BLC (Please tell me your thoughts).
Probably there will be a decompressor for Petite in the near future. But what in the world made you think that petite is the compressor. i MEAN this is a big guess.... that is right. Is it your sixth sense ??? or something else ????
hi sapta,
Pls visit to http://www.un4seen.com/petite/ ( PETITE Homepage ). Then u know that is the COMPRESSSOR. About your comment, i don't know whether it is goint to work in certain platform. Until somebody find a DECompreesor to PETITE, we have to waitt......
BOSS :=}

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