F.A.O Ste - downloads

paul r smith

Club Cricketer
Jun 28, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
Ste,hope you are well, I have tried to download the new adelaide stadium and new kookabura bats, 6/2/02, I got a 404 error, not allowing download.
sorry - ive fixed them now.

This sometimes happens when I have to rename the files people send me because they are to long or have spaces in. Thanks for telling me about it.

There will be another update tomorrow with stadiums, third umpire light, a classic match and a new menu SFX. These were sent to me just after I made the update.


Edited By Ste on Feb. 06 2002 at 20:42
Ste, tahsnks for your help, sorry to be a pain but I am still getting a 404 on the 3 bats, kookabura, stadium is ok now.
Many thanks,Paul
Do these downloads work with Playstation version BLC or only PC?


Edited By Chanakal on Feb. 07 2002 at 04:33
Sorry Ste

im getting 404 error too when trying to download bats etc

It is fixed now, ive also updated the site with more files.


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