Fastest Browser

World's Fatest Browser

  • Netscape Navigator

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maxthon Browser

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sensus Internet Browser

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crazy Browser

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Moved to Forum for the Web.

I agree that the fastest browser is Firefox. There is less loading time for pages since Internet Explorer is connected to other Microsoft services, it takes up more of your computer's resources. I think it also mentioned this in the Firefox FAQ.
That site looks a bit biased. I absolutely hate IE - its too slow for me. And firefox is much, much, MUCH safer than IE coz its open-source.
ya i also downloaded opera for testing. earlier i thought that firefox is fastest but now a think that opera is better than firefox. ie is worst.
Its not bias. My firefox takes ages to start up compared to IE and Opera.
As for the rest I don't notice much difference and as shown in the table IE and Firefox are similar in speeds.
Either way I never had a problem with IE, I just want tabbed browsing and the IE 7 beta 1 was a bit buggy and I can't install IE beta 2.
I personally like Firefox for the add-ons and speed over IE. Havent tried Opera so I cant comment on it.
The fastest browser wouldn't be any of them, a text based one like lynx would be. But in terms of useable ones, it really depends what you use it for, and what sort of pc you have. Firefox is a memory hog, so you need a good pc to run it fast.
I did a browser loading speed test a while back and firefox won against opera and IE.
If you get ad and flash blockers for firefox it runs alot faster.
My PC is a bit dodgy on speed, and Firefox still loads faster than IE. The tabbed browsing and opensourceness and millions of addons attract me.

Maybe we should rename this thread to "Best browser"...
Opera has been proven to be faster than both IE and Firefox/mozilla. Opera is the fastest graphical browser around. Tests have shown that Opera also consumes less memory than Firefox.

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