I said that because of this reason.
How can one kill a life and eat it just because it appeals to one?
Consider someone killing you and eating......
Can't even think of that,isn't it?
the main reason why i stopped eating non-veg.
am very sensitive when it comes to animal abuse. i have
for one, beat the crap out of a guy who ran a bike over a puppy's leg...
luckily, i had my pulsar which was no match for his crappy CD100.
couple of punches and kicks later...i smacked a wooden log on his back which knocked him out for good. i suffered a hairline fracture on my forefinger though.......
the crowd was really supportive.....were enjoying nicely forming a circle

...two traffic police later pulled me out...and i got a nice tight slap ! :sarcasm
i even had to spend half a day in jail......FIR charge against me for battery,assault,destruction property etc ! parents later bailed me out...
sounds filmy...but is the truth !
anyway.....if i can go to so much extent for a puppy losing a leg, how can i be comfortable enjoying a chicken leg piece ??
jkartik added 1 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...
Absolutely right.
When I came to Pune for the first time, I tasted Kolhapuri Missal.:doh
My Idiot Friend

He recommended me.
And it was like,the Earth has turned for me.
your saying that for a missal you had in pune ??
you should try asli kolhapuri missal in kolhapur....will burn your eyes,tongue and brain out !!

oh, then theres always the repercussions next morning !!