Favorite Indian Food.

So what sort of stuff is on the menu that differs from here.
Any examples :p i'm not getting much help here.
If you mean Paneer Tikka Masala yes Its my favorite vegetable and I order it whenever I go to eat punjabi
I cant select one.
You put me in a fix here.

Well,but it has to be butter chicken,the kebabs from lucknow are awesome.
Overall,Indian food is fantastic.
Cos' when i went to Turkey i walked past a McDonalds and they were advertising the McTurko burger :p
Cos' when i went to Turkey i walked past a McDonalds and they were advertising the McTurko burger :p

haha 'McTurko Burger', are you sure it was the right McDonalds and not a fake? :p
Yep i'm sure. It was a genuine McDonalds. In Britain they don't have the McBrito burger :p, why do they have a McTurko in Turkey. What about India, do they have the McIndo burger? :p
Yep i'm sure. It was a genuine McDonalds. In Britain they don't have the McBrito burger :p, why do they have a McTurko in Turkey. What about India, do they have the McIndo burger? :p

no but i remember clearly when i went that they have samosas on the menu :p
Really, sounds cool. I love samosas.
So what sort of stuff is on the menu that differs from here.

They have alot of vegetarian stuff.
2 dif kitchens, one for non-veg and one for veg.
People who serve non veg wear red, people who serve veg wear green.

Alot of Indian-influenced food into the "burger form".

Its a pretty nice place to eat. Mikey-D's in India are 50000x better then the ones in the USA.
Cool. Sounds very different, but still sounds cool. McDonalds is a legendary place :p, but a lot of the restaurants are going badly down hill.

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