Fielding Positions

Where do you field?

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International Cricketer
Jan 28, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
Thought this would be nice change from all the rubbish we've seen in the past week.

This is a thread all about fielding positions, where do you field? Where would you like to field? Pros/cons of a position?, ect.

Note: For the poll, if you are a wicket keeper, please vote for the position where you field/like fielding when you are not keeping.

I am normally a cover fielder, although I field second slip every know and then. The slip cordin is fun because you can sledge the batter verry easily :p

Anyway, discuss.
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I enjoy and usually am at the mid on/mid off positions coz you get the catches if the batter spoons it. :)

True but it isn't fun when a good driver is batting and he is just smashing drives at you, and you have to get the leg down and cop it on the leg to stop it lol.
True but it isn't fun when a good driver is batting and he is just smashing drives at you, and you have to get the leg down and cop it on the leg to stop it lol.

yeah, but still if he keeps spooning the drives you will get catch after catch after catch.
yeah, but still if he keeps spooning the drives you will get catch after catch after catch.

When you play at a highlevel, field there against good batsman you will realise what I'm talking about young one..

It hurts :p
I field first slip. Get to talk to the keeper and point and sledge the batters. Lol otherwise for the spinner I'm deep square leg or in close at silly mid on/off. Sometimes I field in cover.
True but it isn't fun when a good driver is batting and he is just smashing drives at you, and you have to get the leg down and cop it on the leg to stop it lol.

Yeah I don't like mid on/off. I like the covers and point. I hate being out on the boundary.
Well i'm usually a cover fieldsman (for 5-6 years) however recently (since last year) i've started fielding a lot at point. Mainly cause my accuracy at the stumps has improved a lot (bit of luck i think). During the middle to end of the opposition innings where a set batsman is thrashing the ball i field outside. It depends on the situation. I remember once when one guy was absolutely smashing it (i suffered greatly got the bugger eventually but gave like 40 runs in 3 overs...) everyone except the keeper was on the boundary line. My worst bowling figures that day. Hate that game. I batted badly as well...

EDIT: Personally i want to field around gully as the ball often goes there. Point is great and all but its often seen as the best fielder's position which brings a certain expectation. So if i stuff up the comment is always "he's the best fielder, wonder what the rest is...". I fielder there only once and i wanna continue to do so but the many captains i've had sticks me at cover or point...
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What the hell. I field all over the place. Actually i have also kept wickets after bowling fast nasty spells of bowling. No place is more relaxing then keeping.
If there's one position you'll never catch me its silly point. Or silly anything really...
If there's one position you'll never catch me its silly point. Or silly anything really...

If ur pup in side then i dont see y you are not there?

When you play at a highlevel, field there against good batsman you will realise what I'm talking about young one..

It hurts :p

yeah i guess so. But i would really like to have a go at slip. My coach hasn't put me there yet this season so ill try and persuade him.:p
What the hell. I field all over the place. Actually i have also kept wickets after bowling fast nasty spells of bowling. No place is more relaxing then keeping.

At higher levels, you tend to field in a place. But if you are just playing park cricket and that, yeah you just field where ever.

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