FOOTBALL Fifa 15/16

What is it with these keepers? A deflected shot, last few minutes of the game - what does my keeper do? He knows he can't catch it, so he just thinks, 'I know, I'll just let it loop over my head without even trying to save it and watch it go into the net', losing us the sodding game! How could EA have screwed up the keepers so spectacularly??
A 5'6" striker with 79 finishing doesn't sound too good to me!
You'd be surprised, I have his regular RM card and he's great - that dribbling/agility/balance combo make him so evasive and even the 75 finishing of his normal card is adequate and this IF card has great long shots.

With a deadeye chem style the finishing would be up into the 80s and he has 4/4 skills/WF. At the moment Mkhitaryan is my top goalscorer who barely misses a chance and his finishing is only 74 and he sucks in the air - I find that high dribbling/agility to be able to take an extra touch to set up the right body angle to shoot is more effective than a higher finishing rating.

Shaqiri's height doesn't really matter as I would have him paired up with Adrian Ramos who is incredible in the air, scores so many headers.
IF Lichtsteiner's price has gone up as I expected, by about 40k! Could make a tidy profit on that but I'm happy with keeping him in my team right now - wish I had the coins to invest in a few more of them at the time. I did manage to make a few thousand by stocking up on regular Shaqiri cards before the IF came out and selling them today.

Only just started trying to make coins via trading and generally been successful. Basically looking at buying decent IF cards when their prices are lowest (usually Sunday) and then selling them when they are no longer in packs and their value has risen. Lichtsteiner was pretty much the perfect candidate because he got a useful position change (RM > RB), nice stat boosts and he's the top player at RB in Serie A so has high demand.
Who else thinks Shaqiri is a really good player for them on Fifa? Since Fifa 12 I loved using him in both offlin and online. He to me is a complete winger to have.
You'd be surprised, I have his regular RM card and he's great - that dribbling/agility/balance combo make him so evasive and even the 75 finishing of his normal card is adequate and this IF card has great long shots.

With a deadeye chem style the finishing would be up into the 80s and he has 4/4 skills/WF. At the moment Mkhitaryan is my top goalscorer who barely misses a chance and his finishing is only 74 and he sucks in the air - I find that high dribbling/agility to be able to take an extra touch to set up the right body angle to shoot is more effective than a higher finishing rating.

Shaqiri's height doesn't really matter as I would have him paired up with Adrian Ramos who is incredible in the air, scores so many headers.

He's potent as a winger but wingers don't need any physical ability.

I wasn't a fan of Mkhitaryan at striker, weak and low finishing is what killed it, though I think he'll be a good CF or CAM. Same with Shaqiri.
In real life football, I'd agree with you, but for me in this FIFA technical dribbling and a bit of pace are far more important. The finishing rating is almost irrelevant in one-on-one situations, as low power near post shots seem to always be on target and the keepers almost never save them. This game is far from realistic but I'm enjoying it for what it is - tried the PES demo and couldn't stand how dated/amateurish it feels compared to FIFA.
Bought Thiago Silva for under 60k and slotted him into my hybrid team alongside Chiellini - that pairing is a brick wall! Also means I can replace Fahrmann in goal with Sirigu.

I picked up that inform Choupo-Moting card as well but not played with it yet, will do tomorrow. Spent pretty much every last coin on many other players like Lloris (x3), Cuadrado and another Thiago Silva because of today's market crash due to the Black Friday pack deals. The prices are pretty much halved right now so I plan on selling those players again once the prices rise back to the normal levels. Should make about 100k in total :).
Since last night, I've been having a weird controller issue - basically my Xbox 360 pad seems to take on a life of its own and moves up or down on its own accord. Exiting the game and rebooting the system didn't help. Any idea how to sort this out? I can't play the game at all if this is happening (PC version). This sort of thing has happened before but is usually sorted out by exiting the game and going back in.

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