[FO3] Capital Wasteland: One Man's Battle For Survival In Hell.

"A coward turns away, but a brave man's choice is danger."

I could see a number of people on the road in front of me, six of them to be precise and they appeared to be split into two groups. The first group was composed of four rough-looking men in dirty leather jackets and thick boots, one of them was armed with a gun whilst the other three were clutching thin metal poles, possibly tire irons. These men were in a dispute with an older-looking man in a baseball cap, with a gun similar to mine in his right hand. Also with this man was a tall, black-haired woman with eyeglasses in a padded black jumpsuit, equipped with a rifle on her back. At the side of the road, a large animal with horns and boxes and bags attached to its back appeared to be waiting for something, maybe one of the people was its owner? Could the wild animals be tamed like that? However, my gentle whimsy was interrupted by a familiar bang, but this time I could see what was causing it. The rough-looking man with the gun fired it into the air, clearly trying to intimidate the other group. This person began to talk and I intently listened to what was being said.

"You have thirty seconds to make your mind up, punk! Either give us the stuff or we kill you and feed you to the natives!"

The older man took a few seconds, but managed to reply.

"Look, I am just a man trying to make a few caps. You don't need to do this. Please."

The other, rougher man appeared to ponder the man's point, shaking his head. Suddenly, he drew his gun again and in one swift motion, shot the older man in his right foot. He dropped to the floor, clutching his foot in absolute, blinding pain. He squirmed, as his woman friend went to his aid and took it upon herself to pull out her rifle, quickly aiming it at the other person and sent a bullet crashing through his skull. This sparked an almighty conflict, as the now-dead man's fellow group members attacked the helpless woman, who could not defend herself quick enough. They viciously attacked her with their tyre irons, I could hear her bones crunching and her joints snapping from up here, as this combined with the sounds of her screams and the wounded, older man's cries of mercy on her. At this point, I knew I had to step in and help. It goes against the survival of the fittest element of the wasteland, but all I could see was three men brutally murdering a fallen girl, whilst her friend looked on, unable to help her as his gun had dropped onto the floor and he couldn't reach it.

With no time to waste, I quickly checked the ammunition in my .44 and spun the barrel back into place. Armed and ready, I came out from behind my cover and dropped down into the road below. The large animal sensed me and trying running toward me, before stopping in its tracks and allowing me to walk past. Pointing my gun at the men in front of me, I fired two shots at the man in the middle, which connected with the back of his head, causing him to drop the weapon in his hands and slump to the floor lifelessly. At this point, the other two men stopped their attack on the motionless woman and turned to face me, the sight of which was dark and harrowing. Their faces were a crimson mark, blood splatters covered their eyes and mouth, blood I am guessing was the woman's. They looked deranged and purely evil, as they charged at me like warriors on the battlefield. I picked out the man on the left with another two rounds that pierced his windpipe, falling to the floor as he desperately fought for some way to breathe. Consequently only one man remained, but he managed to swing his tyre iron at my gun, which went flying out of my hand and into a pothole at the side of the road. I quickly dived onto my stomach and down on the broken tarmac, as he tried swinging the iron at my head. I quickly reach out to my knife in the holster on my right ankle, before rolling onto my side as a tyre iron comes crashing down and connects with the floor, sending pieces of tarmac and gravel everywhere as such was the impact of the weapon. I can't keep avoiding this weapon, so I dug the knife into the man's leg, who dropped onto one knee in pain and anguish, dropping the weapon in the process. I make it to my feet and lift my knife into the air, but there is another bang and blood splatters from the back of the man's head onto my jacket. I turned around to see the older man, gun pointed in my direction.

He dropped his gun and crawled to the woman next to him, as I also made my way towards her. She was dead. Her face was beaten and bloody, her clothes were ripped from their seams.

"Hey, you OK?" I said to the man on the floor.

"No, not really, here take this key and open the pack on the brahmin over there, fetch me some Med-X, please?"

I wanted to question what a 'brahmin' was, but I could sense that time was short. I looked around and was instantly greeted by the sight of the horned animal in front of me. It looked like it could be a 'brahmin', so I run over to it and looked for the lock on one of the various packs on its back. Eventually, I found the right keyhole and it clicked open, so I quickly grabbed some Med-X and made it back to the man, passing it to him and he quickly stabbed it into his foot.

"Thank you. For this and for helping me get out of that alive."

"No problem. I'm sorry about her. What was her name?"

"Umm, I don't know. Sara? Susanna? Something like that? I just know that's the third caravan guard I've hired in a month. Trade routes are getting riskier by the week."

He didn't even know this woman's name. He watched her beaten to death and still he spoke like it was a routine procedure, going on about guards and trade routes. God knows what that's all about, but I just know this man is an example of what I am not. Battle-hardened with a heart of stone. He made his way to a seated position, as the Med-X was obviously starting to kick in.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"I'm Crow. You?"

"James John Roosevelt. JJ for short..."

H0wZ4T! added 5 Minutes and 30 Seconds later...

Loving this story so far, this one's unique.

Thanks, nice to see another reader. :)
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