Former Transmission Games staff open "Trickstar Games"


School Cricketer
Apr 18, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
Members of the recently deceased Transmission Games, developer of Heroes Over Europe, have apparently started Trickstar Games. Develop reports that several former members of Transmission, including studio head Tony Parkes, have started the new studio in Prahran, Australia.

The company's website claims it is currently working on "a number of exciting new games." It also says there are some it can talk about now ... but we don't see any titles. We're currently following up for more details.

Former Transmission staffers open comms again as Trickstar Games -- Joystiq

I Dont think it will mean anything for the ashes cricket series but you never know
The Ashes Cricket series is owned by Codies not by Transmission.
well they can make IPL or cricket world cup 2011.....
....? does it mean Codies are going to publish again?
If I could tell you exactly what I meant by that, then I would say it directly. But you'll have to put up with joining the dots here, in other words I'm not in a position to confirm anything.
If I could tell you exactly what I meant by that, then I would say it directly. But you'll have to put up with joining the dots here, in other words I'm not in a position to confirm anything.

well i doubt, trickstar will join again with codies,

ever heard of "once bitten, twice shy"
No mercy eh Oz.

Lol @ lc, rarely posts but if anyone says anything negative about Codies he comes rushing out of the darkness
It could.
Considering how quickly the news of IC010 came out after posting this, giving a proper answer probably wouldn't have mattered.

It will be interesting just how much Transmission IP that the new company has, it wasn't just Ashes Cricket that they were working on when they collapsed. They certainly won't survive on the back of a Cricket game being their major game.

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