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damn my posts were deleted. They were not racist but apparently now we can't even make fun of handicapped children.

Make up your minds PC mods.

You said no racism, not no making fun of handicapped kids
Ah the impossible line of what is allowed in regards to humour.

The moment you say you can't take the piss out of person A because they have a disability, but you can take the piss out of person B because they don't is the moment that you have essentially decided that person is a "lower" form of person than B. Censorship is a dangerous area, because the people who often do the censoring do so because it affects their delicate sensibilities and not the person they claim to be "protecting."

Some people need to go read Howard's End and then spend a week thinking about what it means :p

(available in film form for those that can't read).
I am part Indian after all

:lol Thank god for that, cause if you would have been full american you could have been


:p ;)
yes I should have mentioned.

Casino indian, not computer indian


feather not dot


eagle not cow

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