Game Screens

Those kits look marvellous, but one quick question, what are the white boxes for? I was assuming fielders, but there are too few of them
Muhammad Saad said:
did u tweek the shots since last video ,now they look awesome

yeah, thanx for noticing ;)

whitehornmatt said:
Those kits look marvellous, but one quick question, what are the white boxes for? I was assuming fielders, but there are too few of them

i would say "read the discussion thread!" BUT, it's massively long, so i forgive you ;)

they are markers for where the ball has ended up (final position)...i left those in to show that the ball never lands in the same place twice (the thing i am most proud of) ;)
are they limited shot in the game or u can make as many as u want for each batsmen ,PLZ provide us with Shot editor so this game can become endless ,now come to the graphics it is improving since first screenz look better than BLIC 2005 for sure but I know u will it improve to CRICKET 2005, first i thought that only the gameplay would be better than all cricket game but now looking at the graphics what i can say
Muhammad Saad said:
are they limited shot in the game or u can make as many as u want for each batsmen ,PLZ provide us with Shot editor so this game can become endless ,now come to the graphics it is improving since first screenz look better than BLIC 2005 for sure but I know u will it improve to CRICKET 2005, first i thought that only the gameplay would be better than all cricket game but now looking at the graphics what i can say

The shots are limited (but there are over 35!) to the amount of animations i have done but cover all cricket strokes (yes, including reverse sweep)

Stroke editor will depend on whether i release the models for editability (in any external 3d app)...actual vertex manipulation via the game engine is way toooo hard...

I will release a shot matrix soon to list all strokes and which buttons to press etc. to play them
stunning stuff L.M. all the kits looks really good. specially new zealand and pakistan i really like both of them man. keep it up. good work hariz
legend_master said:
lol, it's hard to play the shot then take the screen cap at the same time ;) so i totally mistimed it lol!!! :clap
no fair you get to play :mad
Isnt that amazing.Stunning stuff as usual LM, honoured to be beta testing this. Oops, did I say beta testing? Damn, now everyones gonna want to do it!
dhruvdeepak said:
no fair you get to play :mad
He's the developer, how's he going to know that a feature works if he doesn't test it?

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