I have 'Asus AGP V3800 Magic' display adaptor with nVIDIA Detonator drivers.The problem is that I get too dark screen colors which makes playing games virtually impossible even with the full monitor brihtness .
I used the nVIDIA quick tweak utility to increase the in game brightness/gamma for 16 bit color games in Windows 98.
But the utlity cannot increase the brightness either in older 256 bit color games (Cyberdogs/Age of Empires-I) or games played in purely DOS mode.

Can I modify the default hardware brightness or the brightness in a 8 bit/DOS mode game?
My system configuration is as follows:
Windows 98 (4.10.1998)
Asus AGP V3800 Magic 32 MB SDRAM (TNT2 M64)
Detonator v21.83 Windows 95/98/Me
DirectX 8.1 (
Intel Celeron 266 MHz
Intel 440 LX based mainboard
Award BIOS
Samsung Samtron 428 PS/PSL monitor
Can anybody please give me any info me on this?
I have 'Asus AGP V3800 Magic' display adaptor with nVIDIA Detonator drivers.The problem is that I get too dark screen colors which makes playing games virtually impossible even with the full monitor brihtness .
I used the nVIDIA quick tweak utility to increase the in game brightness/gamma for 16 bit color games in Windows 98.
But the utlity cannot increase the brightness either in older 256 bit color games (Cyberdogs/Age of Empires-I) or games played in purely DOS mode.

Can I modify the default hardware brightness or the brightness in a 8 bit/DOS mode game?
My system configuration is as follows:
Windows 98 (4.10.1998)
Asus AGP V3800 Magic 32 MB SDRAM (TNT2 M64)
Detonator v21.83 Windows 95/98/Me
DirectX 8.1 (
Intel Celeron 266 MHz
Intel 440 LX based mainboard
Award BIOS
Samsung Samtron 428 PS/PSL monitor
Can anybody please give me any info me on this?