Germaloid's Cooling Spray

mine is ATI 9600 XT 256 MB
AA x8
1027x768 ( thats the max my LCD can support :S )
AF x4
framerate avg 60...
hammudy said:
mine is ATI 9600 XT 256 MB
AA x8
1027x768 ( thats the max my LCD can support :S )
AF x4
framerate avg 60...

Not bad old chap. Do you play tiddlewinks by any chance? :p
Mine runs pretty smooth , i have turned everything on full i have
geforce 6600 256mb
amd 64 3200
1 gig pc3200 400mhz

alltho im having the same trouble as most with batting but lets not go into that theres allready 50 threads about it!
Ermmm im sure it was something like that. Maybe it was an FX Ultra i can never remember. Mind you i dont care with my X800 :)
Burma's Finest said:
Indeed! X800s do fine work. I'm running at an average of 50FPS @ 1600x1200; LOD = High; AAx4; AFx16 on my X800Pro. :D Let the willy waving continue! :cheesy

Lol fair play to you my son. Why dont you wack AA up to x6. ;) I only have an x800SE but it still kicks major ass on all games. :)

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