Google announces new open-source web browser

I'm downloading it now. Will get back after some good testing. :)

Kshitiz_Indian added 28 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

Ok. Just tried it. Kind of mixed thoughts. Its awesome for a first BETA, with its loading times so quick. But it'll take a while to replace FF. You see, if any one of you uses the enlarging a page function, it all goes wrong in Chrome, plus a few pages render incorrectly. Technically, its better than firefox, it scores 3 more points in Acid3 test, but I'm sure version 1 will seriously own and be awesome. Its currently v 0.2 btw. :p
I've used it as well. I would differ from people, and say, I did not like it.

Probably coz its a beta, or i was not in a mood to test is well. I'll be waiting for the final release.
Not interested in any beta releases, I've had my stick of removing buggy beta's and demo's from my PC then having them come back and cause problems when the full version is released. But would be interested in looking at it once a stable version is released. Mind you, it'd also have to offer me the same functionality as I get Firefox with all the addons I have installed. If it doesn't have something as good as Adblock plus and Noscript, they've got no chance of tempting me away.
It's Google. They'll never get out of beta. :p
looks good...for people who like nice, clean and simple stuff
Another thing I'm noticing is the amount of memory the browser uses. It beats Firefox and IE by quite some distance.
yh course it does cos it doesn't have all those advanced features but still does the job relatively well
Woah! I've been using it and damn! It's amazingly fast! I can see opera, safari, firefox, IE:p look smaller and tiny now.

Bloody fast, i must agree..
I don't see anything wrong with FF3 to warrant changing to any other browser. Something would have to be wrong with FF3, which I haven't found, as yet.
Comparing this initial beta release (which seemingly was hurried in as it is because of the press leak) to Firefox 3, a browser in it's third generation, is pretty unfair.

It does what I want from a browser and it does it quickly. The two things I'm worried about are privacy of our usage data, which Google doesn't have the best record in, and whether it will be extensible enough to support plugins and such.

From a base installation though, with no add-ons and such, this browser is pretty much on par in most aspects compared to FF3 and IE7.

Given that it's open-source I doubt (or I hope) that Google will tune down the privacy aspect to be less obtrusive, since other developers are bound to find it and publicize it.
There have already been quite a lot of discussions over the internet, for examples google's EULA which granted them access to anything made using Google Chrome. :p They have removed it, but people are now finding such things in it source code, some have already been found and will be fixed. :)

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