Got Success

Sure......but I don't like Pakistan much.But anyway I will give it a go.
Yeah man that match was cool and pakistan definetely have many cool players,but I like only other team.
ok for u iam releasing soon a patch of 50 overs and aus is as user team and also making one changing in the teams i taken out southafrica and utting none other than england in it
well guys just wait around b/c iam testing with 50 overs and aus as a user team and this patch will be available in couples of hours
Excellent.....can't wait for it.So I don't have to play with pakistan after all ;)
well ya ok. hey is there any one who is intrested in pura cup. well if yes then anyone who just play a full pura cup matches than tell me how many matches each side play.
i don't know why you wanna know that? I mean the number of matches is not a parameter in editing of Pura Cup fact no sav except a test series...

btw Pura Cup follows a format like the ING Cup only and it consists of the same number of teams so there shouldnt be any change in the number of matches...
well i wanted to know if any one intrested in pura cup, which is four day testmatch , to play with internation teams than tell me which test team they wabt t challlange
yeah but what has that got to do with the number of matches each side plays???
well i wanted to know that how many match in there, well got the answer from koala he told me 30 matches with each side playing a 10 matches, hey sachin check the pm and reply me quickly as possible or else come online my id is [email protected]
Great Job

Great Effort Faraz....Congratulations....just wondering if the same can be done for as a six nation test matches champioship ??? two matches one home, one away ??? just tell me if it is possible ....... ??btw Eid Mubarak :cheer
i would like to play as australia in the pura cup and ing cup the teams would be australia, pakistan, new zealand, west indies, england, india and could u make it that u play all over the countries.

well sorry guys for not posting the sav file of ing cup yesterday as i thought i posted it yesterday but today i realiase that i could n't so there it is,all the information are in the readme file

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