
Neither you dirty boy. I've probably come the closest to shagging the lad on the left if i'm honest. They are family. One on the rights my sister, the one you have already mentioned far too frequently. The others a cousin. If my missus was there then there would be at least 1 photo where i am doing something dirty :p

Anyway something on topic, yes some of my hair will be straight soon. It should be interesting. :D
LF, stop dreaming in the state of mind that you have the best hair in the whole cosmos, coz the king is right here. :mad:
Sorry, I came as soon as I could Usy.

I forgot how lanky you were Joe lol
Thanks for coming king stu, but your empire has been taken over by another king.

Ok, sorry for the spam.
Me lanky? As a lad I met on holiday would say, are you having a bubble? :p Anyway my hair will be good, I want it doing now, I should go to bed though, I'm going bling shopping tomorrow.

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