
It's stupid when people do that, especially when they don't have it done well.

Having said that, I had a Nike tick shaved into the back of my head when I was in Years R - 2
I cut my hair a few weeks ago. I'm back to the gelling and styling instead of fligning my hair outta my eyes lol.
I'm going for the straightened hair look on Sunday. Now I've never gone for this before only gel or normal hair so wondering if there is a possibility i'll look a Gary Pratt.
I feel so uncomfortable with long hair, that flies around with the wind, No matter how much I use my sister’s hair straightener.
More of a pratt than I already do? I think i'll wear a pimp hat if it looks bad. By the way a little off topic but does anyone know anywhere online i ca get some serious expensive bling bling? All I can find is cheap stuff. Only I have come into a lot of money.
More of a pratt than I already do? I think i'll wear a pimp hat if it looks bad. By the way a little off topic but does anyone know anywhere online i ca get some serious expensive bling bling? All I can find is cheap stuff. Only I have come into a lot of money.

I can't answer that, haven't seen a picture of you, thankfully. ;)

You? Into a lot of money? Bank robbery, jewel theft etc.? :p
nope I sold stuff thank you very much :p and a bit for results too. and I won a little too. You can see a picture of me any time, I'm result number 1 for sexy man on google images.
nope I sold stuff thank you very much :p and a bit for results too. and I won a little too. You can see a picture of me any time, I'm result number 1 for sexy man on google images.

You are the number 1 result? You should stop touching yourself whilst taking photo's then...

You should delete sexy man search from your computer history :p Anyway. I'm not straightening my hair someone else is so hopefully they'll stop me looking like a numpty.
You should delete sexy man search from your computer history :p Anyway. I'm not straightening my hair someone else is so hopefully they'll stop me looking like a numpty.

Didn't Stuart Broad straighten his hair aswell or am I just making this up?

Yeah deleted that as soon as searched. Creep. :p
My hair is awesome, will get you a pic of me on Thursday as on Wednesday i'm goin on a tour of OT! We can't do our tour at the booked time as it's team photo day!!!! My hari's so thick I don't need to gel it if I want to spike it.

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