
I've got the alice band look back! \o/

I haven't got very long hair (had it cut about a week ago) but i've got it sort of short and cropped with the mighty alice band in. :D
I'm changing my hair in the Summer. Don't know what I'm having but at the moment it's between a few of James Anderson's old ones or Christian Wilhemsson's old one.

Haven't a clue which to pick at the moment.
had my hair cut today, the bloody hair dresser starts shoving her tits in my face. Now I wasn't sure what to do, if it was the hot one who started to tell me about her murderer cousin then I would maybe have quite enjoyed it :D but this girl, well she was quite big and I wasn't sure whether to look straight ahead thus looking into the tits and being a pervert, and not even on a hot girl, or to look down at my cock as if I was trying to hide my embarrasment showing I was thinking about her breasts.
Not really, you seem to think being "gangster," is cool, my guess is that you don't even know what gangster is.

Well atleast i'm straight, i wear caps (hats) quite regularly.(going off your rules)
I mean look at there hair...GAY!! and they suck
Ok so what will we call this gay hair rule? The McFly scale? In that case, Evo will be a 10 on the McFly scale, due to his caring over his hair.

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