
Why not just go the whole hog and get this entire set;

That doesn't exactly do my manhood wonders. Worse still, that's not even half of what I own.

I know what you mean Stuart. My uniform was fecking maroon. Just didn't go with the blonde at all.
Ya know, I was actually agreeing with all you said, until I saw this. That is mental.

You take the term "metrosexual" to new, never seen before, levels.
The only one out of all that crap I own is the BO basher. I'm sexy enough without styling my hair, maybe time for a collina now though too scare people.
The only styling I do is a slight mess-up of the hair just after I shower.
I don't belive in wearing my hear down with all those chems. I'd laugh if Evo turned bald in the next 5/10/15/30 years.
Whats a "barnet"? Another weird pommy word for "hairstyle"?
I was talking about getting the hair straightened which kindda lasts between 6 months - 1 year.

I guess there is one way which is called 'Rebonding'.

I dont know if that is done over here, how effective it is and how much it can cost upto.
You could get it chemically straightened? That's popular over here. You get it done every couple of months to keep it in the condition.
Yeah I hate the word 'barnet' frikkin Barnet FC.

EDIT: Matt wtf is that orb thingy right at the end on the right?
You could get it chemically straightened? That's popular over here. You get it done every couple of months to keep it in the condition.
I think I might do that tomorrow after work. My hairdresser suggested it, and since I hate my hair when it gets too thick and curly, I could gel it up properly if I did that.

Does anyone else use RockStar gel? I love it.

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