How do you manage to make so much time to contribute to this forum? Be it either Cricket 07, Cricket Leauges, Mafia Forums, Cricket Discussion thread, Sportsbook(I hope I am not wrong regarding you were the part of this), Graphics forums and other technical aspects of this site?
Yes, I was the part of SB team in the past. To answer your question, well, I always like to be around various sub forums. I have tried to stay away from Planet Cricket many times and was unsuccessful. Something brings me back every time I go away. Whenever I login, I try to be around as much as I can, help people if required and have fun.
Would you like to once again become a staff member given an opportunity to do so?
I don't know if that opportunity will really be given to me again. But if I do get one, why not?
How do you balance between your priorities and your responsibilities when you have too much of work to do?
I always end up doing everything. Hence it won't matter what I prioritise. Atleast I haven't reached a point where I cannot do everything and should be prioritising things. If I do come across situation like that in future, I'll make sure to make right choices.
If you have to choose between one thing in your life between a better professional career and better people what would it be and why?
I've understood one thing. In today's compititive world, survival is very much important. And for that, you need a good professional career. So I'd choose better professional career. Better people are also necessary, but people change.
Would you choose a better mental peace or rushing into your professional career?
Metal Peace. Without that, professional career is a waste.
One more question related to last 2 questions. If for some reason you aren't feeling that good and confident about yourself and you need a little break for yourself from your career so that you could be a little more confident and start enjoying your life more than you did until that point. Would you actually feel guilty about yourself being not able to do what other people in your age group are doing?
To some extent, yes. Not because other people (my age) are doing good, but because I couldn't do it like they are doing. But it's okay because I know I can do much better after a break rather than fall apart to an extent wherein I cannot re-establish myself and feel guilty for life.