Help.. Can't play test matches anymore


Club Cricketer
Oct 25, 2004
Wisconsin, USA
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi, I was trying to enhance Cricket 2004 with the various downloads here and I am running into a wierd problem, I dont know if anyone has come across it. I can't play test matches anymore! When I am selecting from the Play Now menu, I used to be able to select 10, 20, 50 over matches or a test match. Now only the ODIs are available, with no Test match option. Not even blurred out, its just GONE. When I try to play a test series by selecting it from the International menu, the game crashes! Any help?
The updates I have just installed are the Field Editor, and in that I had edited the Test Fast Aggressive 1 field and saved it.
The other updates I installed are the Channel 9 patch 2.0, and previously I also had installed the bats update, the new rosters and a couple other graphic things. I suspect the field editor is where the problem is, because that was the one where I had changed the field. But it still confuses me why I cant select the Test option in the Play Now menu.

Has anyone had the same problems? I am going to be doing a full re-install because I was smart enough to do the updates without backing up the .gob file, but thats not a big deal.
it happens to all alot of people' the game crahes after installing some patches' but the only option you got shahid is renstalling the game' then it will able to work fine'
No it didn't happen to me also u didn't back up gob file. Maybe u have to update the graphics driver also when ur game crash does it come blue screen or something
vibs89 said:
No it didn't happen to me also u didn't back up gob file. Maybe u have to update the graphics driver also when ur game crash does it come blue screen or something

it happen when he install some patches vibs so that means he have to restall the game in order to make it work dude. :cheer
well i guess what i was trying to ask is that has anyone had this problem with that particular field editor patch?
i know i messed up with not backing up the gob file but thats ok, i can always reinstall.
And when my game crashes I dont get the blue screen and my computer does not crash at all, its just the game that crashes so i believe my graphics drivers are fine.
I guess Prakash might just have to look into whether theres something funny in the fielding patch. Its a great idea though, if it works.
Ste said:
Move to main Cricket 2004 Forum

i guess because i believed the problem was related to one of the patches i thought this might be a more appropriate forum to post, but sorry!
Is it something similar to this but with test matches instead of World Series?

I just read that thread.... thats exactly whats happening to me too!! Only with me its happening in the test matches. But actually I havent tried the World Series so who knows if thatss working or not... i guess that means it really is the fielding patch that has the problem.
shahid6995 said:
Is it something similar to this but with test matches instead of World Series?

I just read that thread.... thats exactly whats happening to me too!! Only with me its happening in the test matches. But actually I havent tried the World Series so who knows if thatss working or not... i guess that means it really is the fielding patch that has the problem.

Yes must be either the fielding patch or the channel 9 patch! Perhaps if you made a backup of the .gob file before you installed the patches you could try it with only one of the patches installed and see what happens, then you could find out which patch it is.

shahid6995 said:
Is it something similar to this but with test matches instead of World Series?

I just read that thread.... thats exactly whats happening to me too!! Only with me its happening in the test matches. But actually I havent tried the World Series so who knows if thatss working or not... i guess that means it really is the fielding patch that has the problem.

yeah shahid dont worry man it is not a big deal' it will be solved qiuckly' and wellcome as a new member fella' :cheer
Well ok, I guess I owe Prakash an apology... heres what happened. I updated to the channel 9 2.5 patch, and as we speak I am playing a test match WITH the changed field positions I made with the field editor. It didnt crash and so I guess it was the channel nine patch. But heres what happening now... the graphics are not right, like I see a big white box where previously the score used to come, and some of the screens like the initial screen when the fielders are coming out and you get the names of the teams, that names screen is almost completely white... i can still see the names but its like totally white...
btw these experiments with the new patches I am oing on my work computer... i have it on my home computer too, untouched and working fine lol... once i figure out on this computer which patches to go for then i will update my home compuuter...

thanks for the help guys.
did you export the tga file; to bats . if you know where is the bat located. click on program files' then click on ea sports and it says bat then just exported there it will be alrigh then
fardin said:
did you export the tga file; to bats . if you know where is the bat located. click on program files' then click on ea sports and it says bat then just exported there it will be alrigh then

Is it ProgramFiles-EA Sports-Cricket 2004-Data-Bats?
Or is it just ProgramFiles-EA Sports-Bats?
Because I have it installed in the first filepath.

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